There is a possible revenue obtainable from hemp, which can be manufactured into clothing material, vegetable oil, paper product, and livestock feed If legalized, marijuana has the potential to generate a lot of revenue for a government, and this gained revenue can only help the country. Crime is a problem just about anywhere in Canada and the United States. However, crime enforcement energy is often spent dealing with cases that are not necessary. The police spend useless time trying to arrest marijuana growing and smokers. If marijuana is legalized, drug-fighting resources could be better used against the drug trade of cocaine, heroin, and other dangerous substances.The legalization of marijuana would make Canada and the United States a safer place to live, because law enforcement would be directed fully at the true criminals in society.
Marijuana is a substance with many useful applications in Canada and the United States. It has been proven to be a great treatment for the pain and discomfort of terminally ill patients. Legalization would make marijuana easily accessible to these people. This increased revenue could help the country become a better place to live, whether it be through improved highways or new schools. Legalizing marijuana would take pressure off of the legal system. Law enforcement could concentrate on severe criminal problems, rather than getting overloaded with marijuana