To the editor:
Marijuana should be legal in all states. The benefits far outweigh the downfalls of marijuana. If it was legal the government could tax marijuana to an extreme and people would still pay top dollar for good strains. Also the fact that marijuana can help alleviate all kinds of symptoms for many kinds of illnesses. Using marijuana can also help to relieve symptoms of depression and also cancer. People with depression could use marijuana to help cope with their sadness or to help them become more social. If the government is so worried about people breaking the law with marijuana then they should bite the bullet and legalize it and just start taxing it. Studies have shown in over
50% of test cases that it takes more than 300 grams of pure THC to achieve lethality, which is the equivalent to more than 30,000 joints. also to that point there are absolutely no recorded deaths from THC or marijuana overdose. The fact that alcohol is legal and marijuana is not is a spit in the face to the people because of the fact that alcohol kills more than 70,000 people on average annually. Tobacco products kill 480,000 people annually, this is one of the highest mortality rates of nonillness related deaths, and tobacco is available to the public even earlier than alcohol is. More people die from bEing stung by a bee annually than they do of marijuana overdose. I guarantee that if marijuana became legal in all states, crime would reduce significantly even just due to the fact that now cops aren't throwing people in jail for smoking pot. Personally i don't understand why the government and police concern themselves so much about marijuana users, when they have rapists and killers still roaming free and on the streets. If cops would stop worrying so much about marijuana and start worrying about other much more serious crimes, the US would have a lot less crime to worry about fighting every single day. Marijuana, although not
Marijuana should be legal in all states. The benefits far outweigh the downfalls of marijuana. If it was legal the government could tax marijuana to an extreme and people would still pay top dollar for good strains. Also the fact that marijuana can help alleviate all kinds of symptoms for many kinds of illnesses. Using marijuana can also help to relieve symptoms of depression and also cancer. People with depression could use marijuana to help cope with their sadness or to help them become more social. If the government is so worried about people breaking the law with marijuana then they should bite the bullet and legalize it and just start taxing it. Studies have shown in over
50% of test cases that it takes more than 300 grams of pure THC to achieve lethality, which is the equivalent to more than 30,000 joints. also to that point there are absolutely no recorded deaths from THC or marijuana overdose. The fact that alcohol is legal and marijuana is not is a spit in the face to the people because of the fact that alcohol kills more than 70,000 people on average annually. Tobacco products kill 480,000 people annually, this is one of the highest mortality rates of nonillness related deaths, and tobacco is available to the public even earlier than alcohol is. More people die from bEing stung by a bee annually than they do of marijuana overdose. I guarantee that if marijuana became legal in all states, crime would reduce significantly even just due to the fact that now cops aren't throwing people in jail for smoking pot. Personally i don't understand why the government and police concern themselves so much about marijuana users, when they have rapists and killers still roaming free and on the streets. If cops would stop worrying so much about marijuana and start worrying about other much more serious crimes, the US would have a lot less crime to worry about fighting every single day. Marijuana, although not