Overfishing or over exploitation is the removal of marine living resources to levels that cannot sustain viable population. Ultimately, overfishing can lead to resource depletion and put a number of threatened and endangered species at risk for extinction. Jennings, S. and Kaiser, M.J. (1998) suggest that the rapid growth in human population has lead to an overexploitation of marine living resources to meet the increasing demand for food. All fishing activities, if not conducted in a sustainable non-destructive manner, can lead to overexploitation of marine living resources. Overexploitation of marine resources has major impacts on marine biodiversity as a whole, but target species are generally the most impacted.
Pollution is the introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy into the marine biodiversity resulting in the deleterious effects of such nature as to endanger human health, harm to living resources and ecosystems. Only about 10% of sewage in the Philippines is treated or disposed of in an environmentally sound manner. The rest goes back to nature usually the sea. In this context of poor waste treatment and high