Because at colleges, especially dormitories, students are cramped together and things like meningitis are easily spread. The students share common areas like bathrooms, drinking fountains, and guard rails of stairs.…
the first time. Stories included details about their experiences working with wild sea life animals’…
-Brief Description- Study the origins, behavior, diseases, genetics, and life processes of animals and wildlife of the marine environment. May specialize in wildlife research and management, including the collection and analysis of biological data to determine the environmental effects of present and potential use of land and water areas.…
Transition aA marine biologist requires many classes in high school and college that consist of math, science, and computer science classes. Since research is an important aspect in marine biology taking an English class would help me learn how to conduct research. To be a top marine biologist I would need to get a doctoral degree.( "Marine Biologists ") Overall both careers deal with science, but they differ in the type of science. They also differ in the amount of school time. For marine biology I would have to go to school longer to get my doctoral degree where as a crime scene technician I wouldn’t have to go to school as long because I only need my masters degree. An important requirement for any job is to be able to have the right job qualities. If I was to become a crime scene technician I would need to have good communication skills so that I would be able to document the crime scene clearly. Another key quality I would need to have is paying attention to the littlest detail. If I was to miss any small detail it would…
Dental Hygienists do more than clean teeth. There are seven professional roles in the profession of dental hygiene. These roles include educator, researcher, entrepreneur, administrator, advocate, clinician, and public health. The role of a dental hygienist as an educator is to teach oral health professionals using educational theory and methodology. As a clinician, dental hygienists work together with health professionals to provide patient care. Examples of employment include working at a school, hospital, or long-term facilities (Wilkins et al., 2017).…
Veterinary Technicians, not many people know what they do, but many people have probably met one. A veterinary technician's job is similar to what a nurse, does the technician; talks to pet owners before the vet does, updates files, monitors pets’ conditions after surgeries, administered shots and much more. Another similarity between a veterinary technician and a nurse is that both jobs are in high demand. Many people are trying to finish their degree and get a job of their own before they are all gone, meaning that competition for the job is rising to meet the demand. So how can veterinary technician prepare and present himself/herself to seem above the rest? Simple! By understanding what the job will entail and preparing to do the job in…
The San Francisco Bay Area, also known as the Bay Area, is a vastly populated region that surrounds the San Francisco and San Pablo estuaries in Northern California, United States (wiki). The region hosts the major cities and metropolitan areas of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, along with smaller urban and rural areas…
doctor’s instructions while having a unique method of imaging during the procedure. Sonographers need to develop a professional way about themselves, while being empathetic, patient, understanding and reassuring to patients (Romanosky). This demeanor of professionalism is necessary in instances where someone is facing a tragedy such as cancer, a disease that is untreatable or the death of an unborn baby that could potentially be revealed during the ultrasound. Sonographers cannot actually reveal the results from the scan, so a poker face must be developed to keep from accidentally giving away bad news. A sonographer must be able to divert questions away from radiologists and attending physicians. Ultrasound technicians must have clear verbal and written communication skills in order to give results from an exam (Romanosky).…
A veterinarian is one who is qualified and authorized to treat diseases and injuries of animals. Veterinarians are employed by wildlife preserves, animals parks, zoos, and aquatic installations. The federal, state and city governments see veterinarians in the research and their treatments of animals who have diseases that can spread to humans, or who have been neglected, abused, or more. Veterinary training includes two to four years at an approved college of veterinary medicine, training, etc. A licensing examination has to be passed before they even practice veterinary medicine. There are about twenty-one veterinary colleges in the United States. About 1,400 people graduate from these colleges. These people are trained in the prevention of diagnosis and treatment of animals.…
Conservation Officers, as well as the Department of Natural Resources, have a long and colourful history in the state of Indiana dating as far back as 1889. In the late 1870’s naturalists began to raise a hue and cry about the uncontrolled use and depletion of our natural resources, concerned with such issues as soil erosion and the resulting water pollution, loss of acres of forest land to raging wildfires, and the draining of natural wetlands. In response, Indiana began to institute gaming seasons and laws to regulate acceptable conduct with regard to all natural resources. In 1889, County Road Supervisors were given authority to enforce these laws and regulations, essentially making these individuals precursors to the officers we know today. The Department of Fisheries and Game was established in 1899 and in 1901 the government created the Board of Forestry and the position of State Forester. Actual game wardens were established in 1911, with a salary of $75 a month, and within the first ten years Indiana wardens were averaging 55 annual arrests per officer.(DNR Timeline,…
Within this research paper is going to be the discussion of the history, requirements, such as skills and training needed, and aspects of the career explored. The career that was chosen to be researched, and I am personally interested in pursuing is that of an Animal Care Technician. If someone appreciates earth’s beautiful creatures and desires to help them, if they don’t mind getting a little messy, working hard, and have the itch to be depended on, then this may be the right job for them as well. Let’s do a basic analyzation of the job of information that may be wanted or needed to be known, for those considering applying for the job.…
As a kindergartener, when I grew up I wanted to be a princess, or own a hamster farm, or never really grow up at all. In second grade I developed an obsession with the ocean and what lives in it, specifically sharks. Because of my love of sharks I decided that when I grew up I wanted to be a marine biologist. When I made this decision I never knew what a big part math played in this profession. Math has always been my biggest weakness when it came to my education. I would spend hours trying to understand all the numbers and what to do with them. I know now regardless of my love of the ocean, I would have ended up being miserable having to spend the rest of my life constantly feeling confused and idiotic.…
There are between seven hundred thousand and one million aquatic species, which shows there is no particular day in the field of marine biology. Most work focuses on research, which can vary day by day. For example, a marine biologist may study the effects of oil change and chemical spills in ocean plant and animal life. Another example could be going scuba diving in the morning to collect coral samples and then bringing them back to the lab for observation. As well, marine biologist may sometimes present their research papers at scientific conferences, with other marine biologists.…
Last Tuesday, we took a trip to Huntington Beach and observed the ocean, sand, waves, tides, life on shore, wind, currents, sea bedding, sediments, and the fully developed sea. It was around 4 PM when we arrived at the beach, and it was about 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The coastline of the shore is a curve that faces southwest. Winds are disturbing forces that move the waves, and they generate every time there is a density boundary. The cool winds were coming very strong from the West at 251° that it wasn’t a good day to surf at the beach. The waves are movement of energy, and the waves were about 4-6 feet high, but with such hazardous wind conditions, nobody was surfing. If they were to try to surf, the top of the wave would topple over because of the decrease in wave speed and wind.…
Our health workforce was described as dysfunctional in public and private health workforce policy and infrastructure putting the health of Americans at risk. Could it be the lack of integrated education and teamwork from those that are involved in the care of our patients? Health care professionals are educated in differing schools of thought. If there were overlapping curricula and raining requirements integrating their training there would be both advantages and disadvantages involved.…