1. The designed experiment seems to be a Causation-Correlation Fallacy, as stated by previous classmates. The study is not feasible because there are multiple other variables that can affect the experiment. In addition, collecting the data before and after 1998 will be difficult. It’s not an entirely testable objective because mimicking a natural habitat, like that of the Galapagos Island, inside a lab will be especially difficult. In addition, constants are missing. Constants are important in an experiment because it offers a common ground for all the different test groups.
2. The experiment does not clarify the method used to gather the data. The methods should be clearly stated to avoid
any possible errors while taking the data into consideration.
3. The hypothesis is not testable. There is no control group defined to compare the other experimental groups to. On the other hand, the treatment groups are the different climatic settings. The independent variable of the temperature and the dependent variable of the mortality rate are provided.
However, measuring the results will be difficult. With the information provided, the possible quantifiable measurements are the exact temperatures of the water when the mortality rate appears to be low.