
Marine Phytoplankton

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Marine Phytoplankton
4.07 Assessment Quiz (Marine Iguanas)
• Marine Iguanas are widely distributed throughout the Galapagos islands
• All considered to be a single species though they may vary in color and size
• Smallest are found on Genovesa & largest are found on Fernandina Isabela
• Espanola has the most differentiated & colorful (blotches of coppery green & red)
• Red pigment comes from a certain seaweed that blooms in summer which is also iguanas mating season
• Marine Iguanas are vegetarians that feed mostly on seaweed in the intertidal zone
• Males are typically the largest
• They swim past breakers & feed underwater
• Dives are only a few minutes but some have been under for more than half an hour
• Dives are usually shallow 1.5-5m but large adults go deep to 15m or more
• Iguanas have considerable swimming abilities
• Tails are flattened & swim by lateral undulation of their bodies with their limbs to the side
• Long sharp claws for clinging to rocks along shore & resist heavy waves & cling to underwater feeding sites
• Name- Amblyrhynchus (amblys= short, rhynchos= nose
• Blunt snout allows them to more effectively scrape algae off rocks with their sharp three- cusped teeth
• Ingest a lot of salt while feeding but they have salt glands between their eyes & nostrils that’s deposited by sneezing which makes a white wig
• Body temperatures can fall by as much as 10 C. Only the largest males dive because larger animals have proportionally smaller body surface areas than smaller animals and are therefore more resistant to the loss of body heat at the surface
• They can shunt blood away from the surface to conserve heat, and they can drastically reduce their heart rate
• prostrate themselves on the black rocks to absorb heat or sleep in large huddles
• Overheating can also be a problem but there are ways to prevent this
• they present a minimum amount of body surface to the sun, and the breeze circulating beneath the body has a cooling effect
• Marine

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