Marion County Health Center (MCHC) is a non-for-profit organization that provides woman health services at its Women’s health clinic. The Clinic provides services to a diverse population of 60% whites, 30% African-American, and 10% mix of various races. Breast screening rates at the Clinic was lower the required standards, and significantly lower for non-white patients. The lower rate and disparity in services conflicts with the mission pledge of MCHC and highlights several key issues at the facility.
Close scrutiny of the clinic revealed that management, physicians and staff were racially and culturally insensitive, this negatively impacted the delivery of care and cohesiveness …show more content…
The performance of these services could be tied to current physician bonus, reducing bonuses by a set amount to encourage compliance. Also, to increase breast screening education, the facility should advertise through more media, such as newspapers and billboards. A community education program could also be established. Physicians would go into the communities, especially the poorer communities, yearly and teach women how to complete self-examinations.
Furthermore, the lack of communication between management and staff could be addressed by having quarterly meetings between management and staff. At the meeting management can educate staff on the issues they are facing within the organization and staff can share their concerns as well. Between these time periods, a policy could be implemented to provide personal or department heads that staff can express their concerns to and have them address. Open transparency creates a sense of trust among management and staff.
The cultural competency at Marion County Health Center is a major issue to patient and staff. Adherence to the aforementioned alternative plan could improve cultural sensitivity and quality of