Marion did not let this stop her. She recovered and in 1997, she won the 100 meter sprint as well as 10th place in long jump at the World Championships in Athens, which was her first time competing in a major national meet. In the 1999 World Championship she won gold in the 100 meter dash as well as bronze in long jump. She had aimed to win four titles in this championship, but injured herself in the 200 meter sprint. In 2000, Jones won three gold metals and two bronze metals at the Sydney Olympics, becoming the first female to win five metals at one …show more content…
On October 5, 2007 Marion Jones broke down in tears at a press conference as she admitted to making false statements to federal investigators about this scheme as well as lying about her use of illegal drugs before the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics. On January 11, 2008 she plead guilty, hoping that her lawyers could limit her punishment to community service and probation on the grounds that she had already been publicly punished and humiliated enough. Despite their efforts, Marion was sentenced to six months in