Although people in the younger generation today, love to hear the sound of real hip-hop music; the people from the mainstream hip-hop age, think that there are no goals to the music that is being played into the ears of the young children. Real hip-hop music is the music that the younger generation praises these days. You know, the music with no meaning, morals nor sense. Mainstream hip-hop is the music that makes you cry hearing the story that the singer is about to sing; the music that has good meaning, good morals and makes plenty of sense. Having these two words ran through your mind, which one would you rather? Look closely at the definitions and read closely in my paper to the research that is being provided. I currently did research with two articles on how hip-hop music has drastically changed. In one of the articles, it states that black people are no longer supporting hip-hop music anymore because of several reasons. The first reason is because many blacks do not know the difference between real and mainstream music, some do not care and others tend not to pay attention to either side. The second reason is because the lyrics are putting bad things into the minds of young children. The next reason would have to be because real hip-hop is just a money maker and people do not remember that old school music does not promote this type of non sense, so the older generation tends not to buy it but the younger generation makes the places sold out in America. The other reasons are pretty much summed up to be this: hip-hop is nothing like the old days. The main focus on music today is to make money, and fill the heads of the younger generation with garbage. (Internet Source 3) Normally you hear about the white man having something to say about real hip-hop, but this is coming from a black man’s perspective. In this research many black people say that they stop supporting real hip-hop because; real
Although people in the younger generation today, love to hear the sound of real hip-hop music; the people from the mainstream hip-hop age, think that there are no goals to the music that is being played into the ears of the young children. Real hip-hop music is the music that the younger generation praises these days. You know, the music with no meaning, morals nor sense. Mainstream hip-hop is the music that makes you cry hearing the story that the singer is about to sing; the music that has good meaning, good morals and makes plenty of sense. Having these two words ran through your mind, which one would you rather? Look closely at the definitions and read closely in my paper to the research that is being provided. I currently did research with two articles on how hip-hop music has drastically changed. In one of the articles, it states that black people are no longer supporting hip-hop music anymore because of several reasons. The first reason is because many blacks do not know the difference between real and mainstream music, some do not care and others tend not to pay attention to either side. The second reason is because the lyrics are putting bad things into the minds of young children. The next reason would have to be because real hip-hop is just a money maker and people do not remember that old school music does not promote this type of non sense, so the older generation tends not to buy it but the younger generation makes the places sold out in America. The other reasons are pretty much summed up to be this: hip-hop is nothing like the old days. The main focus on music today is to make money, and fill the heads of the younger generation with garbage. (Internet Source 3) Normally you hear about the white man having something to say about real hip-hop, but this is coming from a black man’s perspective. In this research many black people say that they stop supporting real hip-hop because; real