The salt craze moves to America, where the cod industry is booming, and the lack of salt is testing the relationship between Britain and the American colonies.This added with other factors will eventually lead to the American Independence. Across the pond, in France the oppressive hierarchical government, is putting ridiculous taxes and restrictions on salt for the people. The French people get upset now, so they decide to end the reign of the upper class, with a very bloody revolution. Then we travel across the world to British-India, where the British East India Company has taken over all trade in India, and puts ludacris salt restrictions on the Indians. So then a young pacifist named Mohandas Gandhi comes, and has a march to the sea, followed by thousands of people. To get the salt at the sea and prove a point to the British. Through these peaceful acts, the Indians eventually get their independence from Britain. In the last part, which comes all the way through the 18th and 19th century. This is when mankind came far enough to be able to synthesize salt at an unmatched pace. American salt company, Morton’s created the fastest way possible and the salt trade came to an end and now it is just a trip to the store to get some salt, no sweat or blood to get
The salt craze moves to America, where the cod industry is booming, and the lack of salt is testing the relationship between Britain and the American colonies.This added with other factors will eventually lead to the American Independence. Across the pond, in France the oppressive hierarchical government, is putting ridiculous taxes and restrictions on salt for the people. The French people get upset now, so they decide to end the reign of the upper class, with a very bloody revolution. Then we travel across the world to British-India, where the British East India Company has taken over all trade in India, and puts ludacris salt restrictions on the Indians. So then a young pacifist named Mohandas Gandhi comes, and has a march to the sea, followed by thousands of people. To get the salt at the sea and prove a point to the British. Through these peaceful acts, the Indians eventually get their independence from Britain. In the last part, which comes all the way through the 18th and 19th century. This is when mankind came far enough to be able to synthesize salt at an unmatched pace. American salt company, Morton’s created the fastest way possible and the salt trade came to an end and now it is just a trip to the store to get some salt, no sweat or blood to get