An individual that is under the age of 18 is considered a juvenile in the eyes of the law. Therefore, any child under the age of 18 that commits any form of a crime they are referred to as a juvenile delinquent. In this paper I will discuss the juvenile statistics that were recorded on the 2008 juvenile arrest report.…
There are many juveniles who enter the legal system and just get recycled, or never make it out. Some enter the system and actually make a turn around and are either successful in work or school, or they are a boon to spreading awareness to other juveniles about how they don’t want to end up being circulated through the juvenile justice system. Despite the problems being made to help juvenile stay on the straight and narrow there have been improvements on the juvenile justice system in the United States. Although other countries may not use our ways of dealing with juveniles, by using troubled teens help other troubled teens get on the right track we have drastically changed how our juvenile system.…
I will also focus on the topic that I feel is very important when discussing this issues which is a thorough look into why children that have parents with criminal issues are at a high risk of becoming criminals themselves. Their are of course many other topics that apply to this issue that I will discuss and this will all eventually lead to solutions that are being applied to this problem and also strategies and solutions that I will devise on my own. But first let’s look at juvenile delinquency on its own as the main issue that faces our criminal justice system.…
In a few celebrity cases 1 being Mark Wahlberg he was made a delinquent by learning how to fight for what he wanted, his parents were divorced, he started running with the bad crowd, at 13 years old he developed an addiction to cocaine. He stopped attending school, his low point was 16 charged with attempted murder for beating a Vietnamese refugee with a metal hook leaving the victim blind. Another celebrity…
Juvenile delinquency is consider an illegal act or offense committed by an underage person that if the person were an adult it would have been considered a crime. Because of this distinction set in place to protect minors; there are juvenile courts…
According to Nate Balis the director of juvenile’s justice strategy group he stated that “ incarceration of juveniles is not helping the community stop a person to stop committing crime it persuades them to keep doing what they’re doing and don’t care about life at all.” (Balis)…
Juveniles in the adult criminal system are 34% more likely to be rearrested for another crime than youth retained in the juvenile system (Key Facts: Youth in the Justice System) so there for the juveniles aren’t learning their lesson. More and more teens are doing time alongside adults in prison recently after 100s years of adolescents committing serious crimes. Most juveniles tried as adults usually become reoffenders, they are not mature enough for adult jails, and they deserve another shot. Ultimately, the Juvenile Justice System was invented exactly for this purpose.…
Juveniles deserve a second chance at succeeding. The people have to remember that the children need our help and get them focus in positive things and give them the right guidance they need to succeed. There is various ways that a kid can get back on the right path, counseling, after school programs, rehabilitation, and, a positive role model. Each of these things have they own way to get the child involved.…
The criminal justice system for juveniles in set up almost like the criminal justice system for adults. The one thing with the juvenile system they are in more hopes to salvage the youth that has gone wrong in their lives. Something like if a juvenile went into a store and thought it was a cool thing to steel something just to fit in better with their peers, but they got caught. This would be something that they would think they could salvage the juvenile from going wrong the rest of their lives. (Schmallenger, 2011)…
Juvenile delinquency has become a very predominant occurrence in today’s society. In 2010, there were 6,531 arrest for every 100,000 youths age 10 to 17(Knoll, C, 2010). While it may be that youth are being processed through the criminal justice system more today than ever, rather than actually committing more forms of crime and delinquency (Puzzanchera, Adams, & Sickmund, 2010). Youth are however experiencing increased participation with the criminal justice system are creating problems for parents, schools, communities, and other children who are in the presence of juvenile delinquents. Two of the biggest aspects influencing juvenile delinquency are the family structure that the child is exposed to and the relationship they have with their…
Cyber bullying is when someone is harassing someone else online with electronic means like a phone or computer or even through messaging. It’s a type of bullying that is not face to face. The difference between cyber bullying is different is because it can happen twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Some may be bullied when they are by themselves. There are many risks to cyber bullying, the worst one would be attempt of suicide because the victim might be confused and might not know how to ask for help. The victim may start physical harm. “Physical harm and include depression, anxiety, social isolation and an increased risk for attempting suicide’, said Peggy Andover, a psychology professor at Fordham University in New York. Usual they victim will turn to alcohol or drugs because they think that they can run away from their problems. They might start skipping school, and might not want to attend school because they might want to isolate themselves. That leads to low grade and a high chance of dropping out of high school. The victim might suffer from low self-esteem and all of these effects of cyber bully can cause health issues. In a report by the ABC News in 2006, a survey was conducted on 1500 students in the grades between 4-8 and gave the following findings.42% of the children had experienced some form of bullying while online. 35% of them had received threats while online.21percentage had received threatening and mean emails or other forms of messages. 58% of the kids admitted that they had received hurtful information while online while the most shocking statistic was that 58% of these kids did not tell any adult about the form of harassment they receive while online. This clearly shows that a very large number of teenagers are being involved in cyber bullying and their parents or teachers are not even aware. Just imagine how many victims there are suffering because of cyber bullying. Imagine…
Juvenile offenders sometimes commit crimes that are equal to or of higher quality than those of adults; however, punishing them as adults in adult prisons will do no justice; they are less competent to stand trial, adult prisons can harm them mentally, physically, and emotionally, and they more often than not choose the actions they do because of…
Juvenile delinquency is becoming one of the most debatable subjects in the media not only in America but also all over the world. Some think that we must be severe with the youth that commit violent crime but others think that we should treat them as youngsters first, then as criminals. In “Adult Crime, Adult Time” attorney Linda J. Collier tries to convince the reader that young criminals are to be treated like adult criminals if they commit violent crimes. Timothy Roche and Amanda Bower in the article entitled “Young Voices from the Cell” defend a different point of view saying that young criminals should be treated as young people who suffer from psychological disorders. I disagree with Collier’s argument and I defend the idea and arguments discussed by Roche and Bower because I think that young criminals commit such atrocities because they are young and don’t realize the gravity of their acts, and because many of them suffered from psychological disorders that can be cured with therapies.…
Those who are ultimately incarcerated in adult jails are often the victims of violent assault and suicide, and are 34 percent more likely to be re-arrested than those retained in the juvenile system. Once juveniles have been arrested and accused of serious crimes, certain factors need to be considered:…
Juvenile delinquency is no different from adult delinquency. It is a blatant and often persistent disregard for law and order, for moral and ethical standards and for the rights of others. Gang membership among juveniles is on the rise. And even these juveniles are dangerous. Gangs, according to police experts are much like the better known crime families, usually the leaders do not participate in criminal…