Student’s Name: Michael Stachtouris
Tutor’s name: Emmanouel Skoulas
Course: EXECUTIVE MBA (Bolton University)
Module: Leadership management
Assignment’s title: Personal Development Plan-Reflective Essay
By coincidence on May 14, 1984 the same year that released its revolutionary Mac computer, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born. It was clear to everyone close to him that Mark was special since his early years. Nowadays his name is written in history as the youngest billionaire or more common, the Facebook’s founder. At his 28th birthday, just 8 years after he conceived the idea of the Facebook he managed to ring the NASDAQ’s bell to signal the start of a trading day in Wall Street and at the same time to lead his company successfully in the trade market for the very first time. In 2012, Facebook’s market evaluation was $104 billion. A Mark’s quote was enclosed along with the Facebook’s registration statement: ‘’we don’t build services to make money; we make money to build better services’’ (Mark Zuckerberg, 2012) By the time that Facebook as a company got into the trade market Mark was considered as a very smart person who was studying in the Harvard University, a hacker, an inventor, eccentric, lonely, very focused to his tasks. While he was struggling to be successful he gained a lot of experience through different situations occurred, therefore he was able to develop himself from a managerial as well as from a personal point of view. Nevertheless he acquired, developed and improved a variety of skills and traits that helped him manage the colossal firm called Facebook. There is one very important element though which forces a particular person to be successful; it is the personality of the person itself. ‘’Personality is the set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that
Bibliography: Larsen, R. J., & Buss, D. M. (2005). Personality psychology: Domains of knowledge about human nature (2nd Ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations, Ricky Griffin, Gregory Moorhead (2009) P: Cengage Learning, 9TH edition, ISBN 0547167334, 9780547167336 Personality Trait Structure as a Human Universal, (Robert R Business essentials, 9th edition, Ronald J. Ebert Ricky W. Griffin, 2013 ISBN-13: 9780132664028 (taken from Scribd) Costa, P.T., Jr Watson, D.. & Tellegen. A. (1985). Toward a consensual structure of Mood. Psychological Bulletin. 98. 219-235. Pattern and growth in personality, Allport, G. W. (1961), Beacon Press, New York The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications, Bernardo J Srivastava. R. (2014) Measuring the Big Five Personality Factors, retrieved (01-08-15) from Emotional Intelligence: Myth or reality, Nilanjan Sengupta, Jan 1, 2009, Excel Books India Path-Goal theory of leadership: lessons, legacy, and a reformulated theory, Robert J. House, The Wharton School of Management. Vol. 7 No 3, 1996 Bennis, W Personality and Individual Differences, Zuckerman, Joireman, Kraft & Kuhlman Volume 26, Issue 3, 1 March 1999 Mark Zuckerberg: The Face Behind Facebook and Social Networking, Daniel Alef, Titans of Fortune Publishing, Oct 17, 2010 -some of the facts used in the essay were taken from the movie Social Network (2010) Diagram 2 - The leadership continuum theory- developed by Tannenbaum & Schimdt (1973)