“Market analysis of jeans industry in surat”
In Partial Fulfillment Of The
Degree Requirements Towards The
Bachelor in Business Administration
Submitted By:
Ritu Mishra
Roll no -28 (Marketing)
Sem -6th
Submitted To:
Mr.Ashish Sukhadiya
This report is written in accordance with the Bachelor of Business Administration course prescribed by Veer Narmad South Gujarat University for two months project training while working on this project every effort has been made to help in view the objective of the study set out in the training. I have also tried my level best to maintain a simple and clear style in presenting the subject matter of this project report.
I am highly in debited to MR. ASHISH SUKHADIYA, THE LECTURER OF BHAGWAN MAHAVIR COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION; he guided me and helped me in bringing out this report in the midst of various odds and constraints.
I express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. NILESH LADHANI, who provided me all the knowledge about my project report topic and also help me in the difficulty and also thankful them who has given me the precious opportunity to take training at “LEVI’S” I am also thankful to the staff of the “LEVI’S” for give me a practical knowledge and help me for satisfactory completing my project report.
I am also thankful to my parents and all my friends who have directly or indirectly helped me in bringing out this project report. I am confident that this study meets the complete requirement of the B.B.A. course. It is quite possible that there may be some error of omission for the improvement of this project.
I Ritu.I.Mishra Hereby declare that the project report entitled "A STUDY ON MARKET ANALYSIS OF JEANS INDUSTRY IN SURAT" under the guidance of Mr. Ashish Sukhadiya submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the