Now a day the IT sector is very competitive sector in Bangladesh. Technologies are upgrading day by day as a result IT products are smaller and cheaper. Recently the demand of laptop computers’ is increasing. We try to find out the Market opportunity of laptop computer (consider on laptop brand and market segment on University students).
Research Topic
Market opportunity of laptop computer (consider on laptop brand).
Topic Selection
There are 4 factors to be considered for Research topics selection:
1) Time factor.
2) Cost factor.
3) Availability of data.
4) Nature of data required.
There are four factors of consideration; we prefer the research topic is the Market opportunity of laptop computer (consider on laptop brand and market segment on University students).
Research Objective:
To find out the market opportunities of laptop computer in the segment of university students.
To find out which brand prefer for making buying decision in this segment.
To find out the expected services and price.
Besides, learning to conduct research and preparing a report on that is the main objective of our Business Research Methods (BUS 330) course.
Data Collection Methods
This type of research is very new so that is there was invalidity of relevant secondary data. So we are more dependants on primary data for preparing the report. To get the primary data we conduct a sample survey using questionnaire and face-to-face interview.
Sources and Methodology
To collect the information both primary and secondary sources will use but major sources will the primary information sources. A specific research methodology will follow for primary sources.
Sample Design and Sample Size
A survey of approximately 200 individuals those are university Students. The sample will be selected on a probability basis from all Public and private University’s students in the