PK Online
Roll No: 201161
FMG XX [2011-13]
PK Online
Roll No: 201161
FMG XX [2011-13]
This is to certify that Mr. Surya Dahiya, Roll No.201161 has completed his/her summer internship at PK online and has submitted this project report entitled Market research for applications and games for towards part fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (FMG-20) 2011-2013.
This Report is the result of his/her own work and to the best of my knowledge no part of it has earlier comprised any other report, monograph, dissertation or book. This project was carried out under my overall supervision.
Date: Place:
------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Prachi Bhatt Surya Dahiya
Professor, Roll No: 201161
Fore School Of Management
My sincere thanks to Mr. Malay Mandal ( PK Online ) for giving me this wonderful opportunity, helping me at every step, providing me with an insight into the corporate world and invaluable experience to last a lifetime. I also thank the retail team at PK Online and all the respondents who have put in their valuable contribution towards the project.
I am indeed grateful to Dr. Prachi Bhatt (Professor, FORE School Of Management), who has been my mentor and who took out time from her busy schedule and supervised me over my work at regular intervals which helped me in the completion of this report.
Surya Dahiya
DESCRIPTION | PAGE NUMBER | I. Introduction | 1 | II. Literature Review | 4 | III. Methodology | 7 | IV. Data Analysis | 8 | V. Conclusions & Recommendations | 45 | Table of Tables | IV | Table of Figures | V | References | VII | Exhibits & Appendices * Company Profile * Questionnaire | IXX |
Table of Tables 4.1 Details about zapak’s games | 18 | 4.2 Details about games2win’s games | 20 | 4.3 Details about indiagames’s games | 22 | 4.4 Competitive Analysis | 24 | 4.5 Top Paid android games | 26 | 4.6 Top Paid Symbian Games | 32 | 4.7 Top paid android apps | 38 | 4.8 Demographics | 43 | 4.9 Age Demographics | 43 | 4.10 Internet Users | 44 | 4.11 Online time | 45 | 4.12 Awareness Level | 45 | 4.13 Device Status | 46 | 4.14 PC users | 47 | 4.15 Paid Users | 47 | 4.16 Mobile Users | 48 | 4.17 Paid Users | 48 | 4.18 Internet Users Vs Mobile operating device | 49 | 4.19 Playing Frequency | 49 | 4.20 Playing frequency/ week | 50 | 4.21 Influencing Factors | 51 | 4.22 Benefits of Game play | 51 | 4.23 Gaming Device | 52 | 5.1 App aggregator’s priority list | 53 | 5.2 Top Indian games aggregators’ priority list | 54 |
Table of Figures 4.1 Factors Affecting online purchase behavior | 34 | 4.2 Demographics | 43 | 4.3 Age Demographics | 44 | 4.4 Internet Users | 44 | 4.5 Online Time | 45 | 4.6 Awareness Level | 46 | 4.7 Device Status | 46 | 4.8 PC Users | 47 | 4.9 Paid Users | 47 | 4.10 Mobile Users | 48 | 4.11 Paid users | 48 | 4.12 Internet users Vs Operating Device | 49 | 4.13 Playing frequency | 50 | 4.14 Playing frequency/ week | 50 | 4.15 Influencing Factors | 51 | 4.16 Benefits of game play | 52 | 4.17 Gaming Device | 52 |
Executive Summary
PK Online is an integrated content and advertising player which is focused on driving revenues from delivery of rich content and value added services like video, apps and advertising on broadband telecom networks like DSL, 3G and emerging LTE networks.
PK online has established its retail team to get into the retail sector. The first project of the retail team is to launch an online retail store called hello1. Hello1 would provide paid digital content to the users. This project involves only the games & apps section of hello1. The report is divided into following chapters 1) Introduction: Introducing the company and the product. This chapter would talk about the objective of the research, relevance of the study and purpose of the study. 2) Literature review: A number of researches have been carried out on similar topics. A brief overview of the research and their findings has been discussed in this chapter. 3) Methodology: This chapter discusses the Universe of study and gives reasons as to the choice of the universe. Then it introduces the locale of study with its reasons. It gives details of the sampling of the data for research. The sampling method and the reason for the choice of the particular sampling method have been discussed. 4) Data Analysis: Analysis of the data collected will be shown through tables & charts in this chapter. The methods for data analysis have been discussed and explained. 5) Conclusion and Suggestion: In this chapter we will look at the findings of study, suggestions, limitations and further scope of the study.
1. Introduction 2.1 Background
About the company
PK Online is an integrated content and advertising player which is focused on driving revenues from delivery of rich content and value added services like video, apps and advertising on broadband telecom networks like DSL, 3G and emerging LTE networks.
VAS SERVICES * Streaming Services * IVVR * Advertising * M RBT * Storefront Solutions * Digital TV
ADVERTISING SERVICES * Online & Mobile * Video Advertising * Operator Deck Advertising
Revenue Model
Capitalizing on emerging trends in content consumption patterns, PK Online has developed competencies and platforms to monetize its services using multiple models like * Freemium * Subscription * ad supported
The company’s GoTo Market strategy addresses the needs of a range of customers * Consumers : Through direct B2C branded Hello TV storefronts on mobile and internet via websites and Apps * Operator Driven 3G Services : Like IVVR services ( Live TV, VOD and Interactive content) ,MRBT * Enterprises: Branded storefronts and Apps for content owners, advertising Services.
About the product
PK Online has decided to get into retail sector and this venture hello1 is their first project.
Hello1 is an online retail store for digital goods. It is one stop for all entertainment needs.
Hello1 provides paid digital goods and services for both mobile and PC like: * Live TV * Music * Videos * Movies * Apps & Games * E-Books * VAS
2.2 Purpose of the study
There is a huge market for apps & games and the market is growing every year. PK online is planning to launch an online retail store- hello1. This online store would provide digital content like music, videos, movies, apps & games ,live TV etc at one place so that consumer doesn’t need to visit different sites for its entertainment needs. For the games & apps section of the retail store this study was conducted to identify potential service providers. The purpose of the study is to help the retail team in taking decisions about the games & apps section. The study would try to suffice all the requirements of the retail team about this section. 2.3 Objectives of the study
The product hello1- the online retail store would contain a section for games & apps.
The objectives of the study are: * Competitors’ analysis of current players in games market(,, * Study of services provided by games & apps stores (google play & ovistore). * To identify the top online gaming destinations in India & study the services provided by them.(,, * To determine most popular paid apps & games across different platforms. * Shortlist potential app & games aggregators for hello1. * To determine the popular categories for both games & apps. * To determine the awareness level of people about games & apps. * To find out amount of time and money people spend on games & apps. * To verify there is great demand among mobile users for games and apps.
2.4 Relevance of the study
PK online is trying to tap in the digital content market that is growing year by year. For this they have started their retail section. The first project for the retail team is to launch an online retail store named- hello1. Hello1 is a digital store providing various services like live TV, movies, games & apps, music, e-books and other digital content. This study is concerned with the games & apps section of the digital store. This research was conducted to study the current players in the market & the services provided by them & to identify potential games &apps providers for the store. Also to know about the current status of the market and awareness level of people about such services.
2. Literature Review
It is hard to imagine a world without cell phones now. Today, mobile phones have penetrated every strata of the society. From merely being a communication device, mobile handsets have evolved as a technical tool to handle innumerable services. There are so many services provided by cell phones in the form of applications and features in mobile phones that can be used by people for their benefit. These services depend upon the capability of individual mobile phones. There are various categories in which these applications are provided namely - games, social networking, books, entertainment, business and finance, lifestyle, travel, navigation, utilites etc.
In today 's world, mobile communication is so integrated into our lives that most people feel uncomfortable without a cell phone. Yesterday, the most popular functions of phones were calls and sending SMS. But today, the priorities are beginning to move slightly in a different direction. A modern phone is a multifunctional device that helps not only to communicate but also to learn, earn, have fun. And this was made possible particularly by the development of mobile applications.
Mobile phone applications are add-ons or bits of data added to a cell phone so it can perform functions usually unrelated to making a phone call. First mobile application installed on the phone date back to the end of the 90th of the twentieth century. And typically, they were multimedia ones - small arcade games, ringtone editors, calculators, calendars, etc. But with the advent of WAP and new technologies of data transmission e.g. GPRS, EDGE, etc. there was a beginning of new millennium in which a market with mobile applications rapidly evolved.
By that time smart phones started conquering gradually the market of mobile devices. With the use of more efficient operating systems like Android, Symbian, Mac OS, Windows Mobile they offered more features and better performance as compared to ordinary mobile phones. This gave an increasing pace to cell phone development and more attractive cell phones were produced for customers with more and more applications. More than 2 million applications are currently available for communications, games, multimedia, productivity, travel, and utility purposes. Today, the volume of mobile applications market is several billion dollars. Most excellent applications offer the potential to generate large amount of revenues. According to a study conducted by Juniper Research, consumer app downloads to mobile devices are expected to reach more than 66 billion per annum by 2016, more than double the 31 billion that occurred in 2011.
Mobile phone application market is a growing market with more than 1 billion smart phones expected by 2013. Over time it has created room for many players such as Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Symbian, HTC and Samsung. This market offers applications to users in categories like games, social networking, books, entertainment, business and finance, lifestyle, travel, navigation, utilites etc.
These applications can easily be downloaded from app stores. In earlier times, software was delivered to users through discs in mail by software companies. But now the rise of the app store has fundamentally changed the concept of software delivery. Smart phones have never seen any type of physical downloads.
The history of app stores started from launch of Apple App Store in July 2008, a year after the first iPhone was released. Initially users were offered 500 apps. This platform for downloading application was so popular among users that 10 million applications were downloaded in the first weekend itself. It reached the 100,000 app mark first, a little more than a year after launch, in November 2009. A couple months later in October 2008 Android Market was launched. which offered 50 apps at start. It hit 200,000 in early 2011 and nearly doubled its developer output through the remainder of the year. As of now, the Android market has about 400,000 apps available while iOS has nearly 550,000. Research In Motion(RIM) was not far behind, announcing BlackBerry App World at its developers ' conference in October 2008 and accepting submissions from developers in early 2009. Nokia 's Ovi Store opened in 2009, The Windows Phone Marketplace launched in late October 2010. By July 2011 it had nearly 30,000 apps. This number increased to 50,000 till Janurary 2012. The BlackBerry App World had about 37,000 at the end of July 2011.
The Multimedia Research Consultancy’s (TMRC) is releasing the results from its first survey of mobile games industry experts. Respondents include 147 executives from 136 mobile games enterprises in 38 countries, from all areas including development, publishing, content aggregation, distribution and portals. While the main body of the survey is available for purchase on-line, TMRC sent us some of the highlights thanks to a fortuitous meeting at the Mobile Social Networking Forum! iPhone is clear leader:
71% of the respondents agreed that the iPhone is the most successful Development Platform/Operating System in the market – and they believe that this position will only strengthen with time. The panel also believe that the Android will follow the iPhone’s example, and both will become substantial long term players in the mobile games industry.
App stores:
77% of respondents say the Apple App Store has “revolutionised the way that mobile games are sold.” They believe the model is so successful that it could threaten currently existing distribution models.
Recession proof
Participating games companies reported a raise in sales over the last year, with 43% saying sales are up compared to 29% saying they are down). Confidence for the year to come is also high, with 66% expecting the value of their mobile games sales to rise in the next 12 months. Only 11% predicted a decline
Conducted by gaming site MocoSpace, more than 10,000 users answered what drew them to mobile games. Thirty-four percent said because the games are fun while 32 percent said they play because of boredom or to kill time. Here are the rest of the results: * 10 percent: I like to compete. * 9 percent: To meet new people. * 6 percent: To try something new. * 3 percent: I’m always on the go. * 3 percent: To flirt. * 2 percent: Connect with my friends. * Less than 1 percent: Connect with my family.
And, to no parent’s shock, mobile games are being played in the classroom as well. More than 31 percent of respondents admitted to playing games while they should have been learning. The top reason why was boredom (42 percent). Forty-one percent of budding scholars said they play because they have down time (sure, kids).
While the old person in me (at a spritely 34 years old) would love to criticize students for playing games on their mobile devices instead of actually paying attention, I do realize that I would have been doing the exact same thing if I had an iPhone or iPad in school. So it’s probably good I didn’t.
And while the survey isn’t exactly scientific, it does emphasize what most of us already know – games on mobile devices are a lot of fun.
3. Methodology
4.5 Secondary Research
* Determine the various factors affecting online purchase. * To find out about the current leading players in games & apps. * To study in detail about the services provided by the top players. * To identify the popular games & app categories * To identify top paid apps & games across different platforms. * To identify potential games & apps aggregators for their services.
4.6 Consumer Research
Sampling: Convenience sampling
Place: Delhi & NCR
Consumer Covered: 200
Motives of Consumer Research: * To determine the awareness level of people about games & apps. * To find out amount of time people spend on games & apps. * To verify there is great demand among mobile users for games and apps * To verify more & more people are using internet on mobile. * To determine the popular platform among mobile users. * To determine whether people are using paid or free app & games.
4. Data Analysis 5.7 Data collected with the help of secondary research
4.1.1 Study of Online Purchase Behaviour Online purchase behavior
Electronic commerce has become one of the essential characteristics in the Internet era. According to UCLA Center for Communication Policy (2001), online shopping has become the third most popular Internet activity, immediately following e-mail using/instant messaging and web browsing. It is even more popular than seeking out entertainment information and news, two commonly thought of activities when considering what Internet users do when online. Of Internet users, 48.9 percent made online purchases in 2001, with three-quarters of purchasers indicating that they make 1-10 purchases per year (2001, p.38). When segmented into very versus less experienced Internet users, the very experienced users average 20 online purchases per year, as compared to four annual purchases for new users (2001, p.38).
Online shopping behavior (also called online buying behavior and Internet shopping/buying behavior) refers to the process of purchasing products or services via the Internet. The process consists of five steps similar to those associated with traditional shopping behavior (Liang and Lai 2000). In the typical online shopping process, when potential consumers recognize a need for some merchandise or service, they go to the Internet and search for need-related information. However, rather than searching actively, at times potential consumers are attracted by information about products or services associated with the felt need. They then evaluate alternatives and choose the one that best fits their criteria for meeting the felt need. Finally, a transaction is conducted and post-sales services provided. Online shopping attitude refers to consumer’s psychological state in terms of making purchases on the Internet.
User Interface Quality
Product Information Quality
Service Information Quality
Security Perception
Site Awareness A
Information Satisfaction A A A
Site Commitment
Relational Benefits
Personal Behavioral Control * Self-efficiency * Prior experience * Cost * Trust * Security
Consumer Perceived Benefits * Convenience * Homepage * Customer Service * Price * Wider Selection * Fun
Attitude towards Online Shopping B, D
Intention to Purchase B
External Environment
Personal Characteristics
Vendor/ Service Product Characteristics
Website Quality C
Decision Making
B, C A
B, C
Online Purchase
4.1 Factors affecting Online Purchase
A. By: Chung-Hoon Park and Young-Gul Kim, From: Identifying key factors affecting consumer purchase behavior in an online shopping context.
B. By: Narges Delafrooz, Laily H.J. Paim and Ali Khatibi, From: A Research Modeling to Understand Online Shopping Intention.
D: By: Narges Delafrooz, Laily H. Paim, Sharifah Azizah Haron, Samsinar M. Sidin and Ali Khatibi, From: Factors affecting students’ attitude toward online shopping.
These factors directly determine attitude towards online shopping. Attitude and intention to shop online have been clearly identified and relatively widely studied in the existing empirical literature. Decision-making is the stage before consumers commit to online transaction or purchasing, and is sometimes considered to be a behavioral stage. The depicted relationships among attitude, intention, decision-making, and online purchasing are based on the theory of reasoned action (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975), which attempts to explain the relationship between beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and actual behavior
External Environment
External environment refers to those contextual factors that impact consumers’ online shopping attitudes and behavior. It includes three dimensions. The first is the existing legal framework that protects the consumers from any kind of loss in online transactions. The second is the system of the Third Party Recognition in which many third party certification bodies are working to ensure the trustworthiness of online vendors (Borchers 2001). These two factors are positively associated with consumers’ trust attitude to the online stores. The third factor is the numbers of competitors, which can be defined as .the number of Internet stores that provide the same service and products. (Lee et al. 2000, p.307). Lee and colleagues (2000) argue that the fewer the competing vendors, the greater the possibility of opportunistic behavior on the part of existing vendors so as to maximize profits. This increases transaction costs for the consumer, decreasing intention to revisit a specific online store.
Demographics include such variables as age, gender, level of education, income, and time online. Bellman and colleagues (1999, p. 33) report that .Internet surveys agree that the online population is relatively younger, more educated, wealthier, although the gaps are gradually closing.
They argue that demographics appear to play an important role in determining whether people use the Internet, however once people are online, demographics do not seem to be key factors affecting purchase decisions or shopping behavior. Bhatnagar and colleagues (2000) provide evidence that demographics are not relevant factors in determining which store to patronize or how much to spend, though men and women do tend to buy different types of products or services via the Internet.
Personal Characteristics
Personal characteristics have drawn the attention of fourteen studies. It can be defined as a group of specific customer features that may influence their online shopping attitudes and behavior, such as their Internet knowledge, need specificity, and cultural environment.
Li and colleagues (1999) found that customers who purchase Internet stores more frequently are more convenience-oriented and less experience-oriented. These consumers regard convenience during shopping as the most important factor in purchase decisions, because they are time-constrained and do not mind buying products without touching or feeling them if they can save time in this way. Potential consumers are often prevented from shopping online by their concern for security (Han et al. 2001). However, perceived risk can be reduced by knowledge, skill, and experience on the Internet, computer, and online shopping (Ratchford et al. 2001; Senecal 2000; Sukpanich and Chen 1999; Ha et al. 2001).
In another study, Bellman and colleagues (1999) propose that people living a wired lifestyle patronize e-stores spontaneously. These consumers use the Internet as a routine tool to receive and send emails, to do their work, to read news, to search information, or for recreational purposes. Their routine use of the Internet for other purposes leads them to naturally use it as a shopping channel as well.
Other factors found to impact consumers. online shopping attitudes and behavior include cultural environment, need specificity, product involvement, disposition to trust, the extent to which they would like to share values and information with others, the extent to which they like being first to use new technologies, and tendency to spend money on shopping (Borchers 2001; Koufaris et al.2002; Lee et al.2000; Kimery and McCord 2002; Bellman et al 1999).
Vender/Service/Product Characteristics
Vender/service/product characteristics refer to features of the Internet stores, the products they sell, and the service they provide to support the transactions. These factors are found to influence customers’ online shopping attitudes and behavior significantly.
Measures employed to value vender characteristics include: (1) Real existence of the store/physical location,
(2) Store reputation,
(3) Store size,
(4) Reliability,
(5) Number of Internet store entrances
(6) Assurance-building mechanisms (e.g., seals, warranties, news clips)
(7) Use of testimonials
(van der Heijden et al. 2001; Liang and Lai 2000; Bhatnagar et al. 2000; Kim et al. 2001; Lowengart and Tractinskky 2001; Grazioli and Wang 2001; Pavlou 2001; Jarvenpaa et al. 2000; Lee et al. 2000).
Among product features that impact customers’ online shopping behavior are:
(1) Variety of goods,
(2) Product quality/performance/product uncertainty,
(3) Product availability,
(4) Price,
(5) Social presence requirement,
(6) Product presence requirement,
(7) Dependability of product, (8) Possibility of customized products,
(9) Brand (Jahng et al. 2001; Liang andHuang 1998; Kim et al. 2001; Cho et al. 2001; Lowengart and Tractinskky 2001; Muthitacharoen 1999).
Service factors related to online shopping attitudes and behavior include
(1) Customer communication channels/ease of vendor contact,
(2) Response to customer needs,
(3) Accessibility of sales people,
(4) Reliability of the purchasing process/process uncertainty,
(5) Timeliness of orders or services/waiting time,
(6) Availability of personalized services,
(7) Ease of return and refunds,
(8) Fraud,
(9) Delivery (speed, tracking and tracing),
(10) Transaction costs,
(11) peripheral costs,
(12) Promotion (Ho and Wu 1999;Liang and Huang 1998; Lohse and Spiller 1998; Liang and Lai, 2000; Bhatnagar et al. 2000; Kim et al. 2001; Cho et al. 2001;Li et al. 2001; Muthitacharoen 1999).
Website Quality
Website design features can be regarded as hygiene and motivator factors that contribute to user dissatisfaction and satisfaction with a website. Hygiene factors are those whose present make a website functional and serviceable, and whose absence causes user dissatisfaction. Some of the categories of hygiene factors are: Privacy and Security, Technical Aspect, Navigation, Impartiality, and Information Content. Motivator factors are those that add value to the website by contributing to user satisfaction. Five categories of motivation factors are: Enjoyment, Cognitive Outcome, User Empowerment, Credibility, Visual Appearance, and Organization of Information Content.
Overall, the measures employed to value website quality by the researchers include the websites information content, information presentation, interaction between customers and venders, navigation, searching mechanism, security, site technical feature, media richness, and so forth.
In summary, a variety of factors related to website quality have been demonstrated to significantly influence consumer’s online shopping attitudes and behavior. Better website quality can guide the consumer’s complete transactions smoothly and attract them to revisit this Internet store. In contrast, worse quality would hinder their online shopping moves.
Attitudes towards Online Shopping
Consumer’s attitudes toward online shopping have gained a great deal of attention in the empirical literature, with 22 out of 35 papers focusing on it. Consistent with the literature and models of attitude change and behavior (e.g., Fishbein and Ajzen 1975), it is believed that consumer attitudes will affect intention to shop online and eventually whether a transaction is made. This is a multidimensional construct that has been conceptualized in several different ways in the existing literature. First, it refers to the Consumers acceptance of the Internet as a shopping channel (Jahng et al. 2001). Secondly, it refers to consumer attitudes toward a specific Internet store (i.e., to what extent consumers think that shopping at this store is appealing). These first two dimensions are negatively associated with the third, customer’s perceived risk. According to Lee and colleagues (2001), two main categories of perceived risk emerge in the process of online shopping. The first is the perceived risk associated with product/service and includes functional loss, financial loss, time loss, opportunity loss, and product risk. The second is the perceived risk associated with context of online transactions, and includes risk of privacy, security, and no repudiation. Among them, the influence of financial risk, product risk, and concern for privacy and security is significant (Senecal 2000; Borchers 2001; Bhatnagar et al.2002). However, the fourth dimension of attitude, consumers trust in the stores, can reduce perceived risk. In addition, perceived control/users empowerment, enjoyment/playfulness, and perceived real added-value from membership have also been shown to be important dimensions of consumer’s attitudes towards online shopping (Koufaris et al. 2002; Cho et al. 2001).
Information satisfaction
Information satisfaction refers to consumers’ dis/satisfaction with an overall information service encounter (Crosby and Stephens, 1987) – which means navigating through Web pages and contents in an online service context. It is different from the overall satisfaction that refers to the consumers’ overall evaluation of an organization based on all encounters and experiences with that particular organization (Jones and Suh, 2000). According to the information systems literature, information quality and user interface quality are believed to affect user information satisfaction (DeLone and McLean, 1992; Wang and Strong, 1996). Information provided by the online store is divided into product information and service information. Product information includes product attribute information, consumer recommendations, evaluation reports, etc. Service information that most online stores provide includes membership information, FAQs, ordering and delivery information, and promotion. Information presented by online stores should support customer service and product search. Such information should be helpful and relevant in predicting the quality and utility of a product or service (Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2001).
Relational benefit
In a commercial service relationship, prior research has shown that relational benefit is an antecedent to building a long-term relationship (Ravald and Gro¨nroos, 1996; Gwinner et al., 1998; Patterson and Smith, 2001
Site commitment
Commitment is an essential ingredient for a successful long-term relationship (Dwyer et al., 1987; Morgan and Hunt, 1994). Commitment has been defined as ‘‘an enduring desire to maintain a valued relationship’’ (Moorman et al., 1992) or ‘‘a tendency to resist change’’ (Pritchard et al., 1999). It plays a key-mediating role in formation of consumers’ loyalty and future behavioral intention (Garbarino and Johnson, 1999; Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Pritchard et al., 1999). 20 Consumer purchase behavior in an online shopping context, Chung-Hoon Park and Young-Gul Kim International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management Volume 31. Number 1.2003.16-29In the service marketing literature, service quality, perceived value, and satisfaction are considered as antecedents of commitment (Gro¨nroos, 1990; Hocutt, 1998; Shemwell et al., 1998).
That is, consumers’ emotional and judgmental reaction to products or services is a key influential factor for consumers’ commitment. The psychological benefit and trust are also essential ingredients for enhancing commitment (Gro¨nroos, 1990). They are validated to be more important than special treatment or social benefits in consumer relationships with service firms (Gwinner et al., 1998).
Intention to Shop Online
Consumer’s intention to shop online refers to their willingness to make purchases in an Internet store. Commonly, this factor is measured by consumer’s willingness to buy and to return for additional purchases. The latter also contributes to customer loyalty. Jarvenpaa and colleagues (2000) assess consumers. intention to shop online by asking a series of questions assessing the likelihood of returning to a store.s website, the likelihood of purchasing from the store within the next three months, the likelihood of purchasing within the next year, and general the likelihood of ever purchasing from a particular store again.
Online Shopping Decision Making
Online shopping decision-making includes information seeking, comparison of alternatives, and choice making. The results bearing on this factor directly influence consumers purchasing behavior. In addition, there appears to be an impact on user’s satisfaction. Though it is important, there are only five studies that include it.
According to Haubl and Trifts (2000), potential consumers appear to use a two-stage process in reaching purchase decisions.
Initially, consumers typically screen a large set of products in order to identify a subset of promising alternatives that appears to meet their needs. They then evaluate the subset in greater depth, performing relative comparisons across products based on some desirable attributes and make a purchase decision. Using a controlled experiment, these authors discover that the .interactive tools designed to assist consumers in the initial screening of available alternatives and to facilitate in-depth comparisons among selected alternatives in an online shopping environment may have strong favorable effects on both the quality and the efficiency of purchase decisions. (Haubl and Trifts 2000, p. 4).
Online Purchasing
This is the most substantial step in online shopping activities, with most empirical research using measures of frequency (or number) of purchases and value of online purchases as measures of online purchasing; other less commonly used measures are unplanned purchases (Koufaris et al. 2002) and Internet store sales (Lohse and Spiller 1998). For example, in Lee and colleagues (2001) examination of the relationship between online purchasing behavior, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived risk of the product/service, and perceived risk in the context of the transaction, the measures used are total amount spent and frequency in last 6 months.
Online purchasing is reported to be strongly associated with the factors of personal characteristics, vendor/service/product characteristics, website quality, attitudes toward online shopping, intention to shop online, and decision making (Andrade 2000; Bellman et al. 1999; Bhatnagar et al. 2000; Cho et al. 2001; Grandon and Ranganathan 2001; Jarvenpaa et al. 2000; Lee et al.2000; Sukpanich and Chen 1999).
Implications and Recommendations for PK Online
Three out of the five dependent variables (consumer attitudes, intentions, and purchasing behavior) and three out of the five independent variables (personal characteristics, vendor/service/product characteristics, website quality) receive the most attention.
The direct implication of these findings is that: * Target more appropriate consumer groups * Improve product and/or service quality * Improve website quality
They can positively influence consumer attitudes and behavior, potentially leading to increased frequency of initial purchase and repeat purchases on the part of consumers.
There is also no consensus on the theoretical models employed to describe and predict online shopping attitudes and behavior.
This lack of a common theoretical framework suggests the need to develop an integrative model of the phenomenon in order to promote systematic investigation of its components and the online shopping process. By identifying common elements and developing our model based on IS literature, we hope to have taken a step toward promoting this type of integration and synthesis of relevant literature across disciplines.
4.1.2 Top online gaming destination & their competitive analysis
Game Categories * Action Games * Racing Games * Sports Games * Cricket Games * Strategy Games * Arcade Games * Games for Girls * Games for Kids * Multiplayer Games * Fun Kids Zone new * Free Download * All Games
Virtual Currency: Loyalty points can be earned by registering, playing games, buying games and these loyalty points can be used to bid for real products like pen drive, headphones etc…
New sections: * IPL 2012- provides schedule, score and options to win prize * Cricville- social game on facebook, managing cricket stars, stadiums, sponsors, celebs etc. virtually living the life of IPL team owner.
Table 4.1 Details about zapak’s games Source | Category | Games Per Category | Platform | Price | Average Price (Rs.) | | Action Games | 143 | PC | Free | Nil | | Racing Games | 96 | PC | Free | Nil | | Sports Games | 103 | PC | Free | Nil | | Cricket Games | 38 | PC | Free | Nil | | Strategy Games | 112 | PC | Free | Nil | | Arcade Games | 154 | PC | Free | Nil | | Games For Girls | 60 | PC | Free | Nil | | Games For Kids | 87 | PC | Free | Nil | | Multiplayer Games | 37 | PC | Free | Nil | | Fun Kids Zone | 13 | PC | Free | Nil | | Free Download | 236 | PC | Free | Nil | | All Games | 672 | PC | Free | Nil | | All Games | 134 | PC | Paid | 99/month | | Casual | 45 | PC | Paid | 99/month | | Action/Adventure | 34 | PC | Paid | 99/month | | Strategy | 31 | PC | Paid | 99/month | | Arcade | 12 | PC | Paid | 99/month | | Racing | 7 | PC | Paid | 99/month | | Sports | 5 | PC | Paid | 99/month | * zapak tambola- tambola game played on facebook only along with the game chat feature is also available
Key Features: * Provides games with high quality and great graphics * zapak requires latest adobe shockware for few games * Registration not necessary to play games. * Zapak+ for premium download pc games full version.. * Zapak dok- free game toolbar for your browser * Option to put zapak games on your website * Zapak gameplex- gaming café chain with high speed broadband and world class infrastructure
Zapak has 5 different sites * for girls * games only * soccer game * games specially for kids * online shopping portal
Revenue Model * Basic source of revenue is from advertisements on the website. * Zapak also earns its revenue from premium games.
Game Categories * Popular Games * Romance Games * Naughty Games * Funny Games * Dress Up Games * Make Up Games * Arcade Games * Escape Games * Boys Games * Cricket Games * Kids Games
Key Features: * All games are totally free. * No registration required, there is no registration option as well * Free android and iphone apps are available for download.
Games2win has two brother sites: * especially for boys. * virtual world especially for kids.
Revenue Model * Their only source of revenue comes from the advertisements on their website.
Table 4.2 Details about games2win’s games Category | Games Per Category | Platform | Price | Average Price (Rs.) | Popular | 23 | PC | Free | NIL | Indian | 16 | PC | Free | NIL | Cricket | 6 | PC | Free | NIL | Boys | 90 | PC | Free | NIL | Romance | 50 | PC | Free | NIL | Naughty | 33 | PC | Free | NIL | Funny | 12 | PC | Free | NIL | Naughty City | 1 | PC | Free | NIL | Naughty Boulevard | 1 | PC | Free | NIL | Arcade | 98 | PC | Free | NIL | Dress Up | 108 | PC | Free | NIL | Make Up | 8 | PC | Free | NIL | Escape | 11 | PC | Free | NIL | Kids | 8 | PC | Free | NIL | | 465 | | | |
* Featured * Hot Right Now * All Time Best * Sports * Shooter * Strategy * Puzzle * Action * Multiplayer * Adventure * Life & Style * Social * New Games * Shooting * Board Game * Driving * Arcade * Other
Registration is necessary to play games
Games are free to try but for few games we can play few levels but full versions are available for premium download.
Totally free games are also available.
Key Features: * GOD-’s special games on demand service for serious gamers * Requires GOD player- application needs to be downloaded * God requires premium subscription * Games shop- premium pc games for download * Games for iphone- premium as well as free games for iphone and ipad. * Option to broadcast message to our facebook, twitter, yahoo, linkedin etc’s friends that we are playing game on * Chillzone-for social networking
Revenue Model * Wesite advertisement * Premium games * Premium subscription
Table 4.3 Details about indiagames’s games Source | Category | Games per Category | Device | Price | Average Price (Rs.) | | Featured | 20 | PC | Free | Nil | | Hot Right Now | 1000 | PC | Free | Nil | | All Time Best | 1000 | PC | Free | Nil | | Sports | 445 | PC | Free | Nil | | Shooter | 660 | PC | Free | Nil | | Strategy | 460 | PC | Free | Nil | | Puzzle | 1100 | PC | Free | Nil | | Action | 1180 | PC | Free | Nil | | Multiplayer | 80 | PC | Free | Nil | | Adventure | 298 | PC | Free | Nil | | Life & Style | 110 | PC | Free | Nil | | Social | 1000 | PC | Free | Nil | | New Games | 49 | PC | Free | Nil | | Shooting | 61 | PC | Free | Nil | | Board Game | 6 | PC | Free | Nil | | Driving | 31 | PC | Free | Nil | | Arcade | 74 | PC | Free | Nil | | Others | 14 | PC | Free | Nil | | Sponsored | - | PC | Freemium | - | | New Games | 4 | PC | Paid | 999 | | Action | 2 | PC | Paid | 999 | | Racing | 3 | PC | Paid | 999 | | RPG | 1 | PC | Paid | 999 | | RTS | 1 | PC | Paid | 999 | | All | 10 | PC | Paid | 999 | | Action | 43 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | Educational | 21 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | EA | 10 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | Strategy | 179 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | Racing | 10 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | Multiplayer | 15 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | Sports | 17 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | Quick Games | 154 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | MMO | 6 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | Movies | 5 | PC | Subscription | NIL | | All | 357 | PC | Subscription | NIL |
Attributes | | | | Free games | √ | √ | √ | Premium games | √ | √ | × | Registration | √ | √ | × | mobile site | √ | √ | √ | mobile app | √ | × | × | Betting Games | √ | × | × | Virtual currency/ points | √ | × | × | Special requirements | √ | × | × | Separate website for different segments | √ | × | √ | Social Games | √ | × | √ | Physical Gaming Station | √ | × | × | Social Publishing | × | √ | × | Toolbar | √ | × | × | Interaction Zone | × | √ | × |
Competition Matrix
Table 4.4 Competitive Analysis
* Free games: games are available to be played for free. * Premium games: games are only available for a certain price. * Registration: you need to register with the website either to play games or to access all sections of website. * mobile site: they have a wap site for mobiles * mobile app: site’s available in form of application * Betting Games: games where player can put their money on line in order to win real cash prizes. * Virtual currency/ points: currency or points which can be redeemed in form of cash or used to buy real or virtual items. * Special requirements: site’s requirement for certain softwares or platforms, like requires latest adobe shockware player. * Separate website for different segments: availability of same website in different versions in accordance to the need of costumer segmentation, like zapak has different website for girls and kids. * Social Games: availability of games to be played on social networking sites, like zapak has cricville and tambola that can only be played on facebook. * Physical Gaming Station: real game parlors and special gaming zones for gamers in their nearby area. * Social Publishing: Posting your gaming activity on your social network so that your friends know what you are up to. * Toolbar: specific toolbar for the browser, like yahoo toolbar * Interaction Zone: Place to interact with fellow registered users, same in line with social network it is like gaming network.
4.1.3 Detail about top paid games for android.
To understand the most downloaded android games a detailed study of top paid games on google play was conducted. * To find the top paid games on google play downloaded by the android users. * To identify most popular categories of games in paid section * To identify top android games developers. * To identify the pricing range of the games.
Table 4.5 Top paid android games Game | Developer | Category | Rating | Price (Rs.) | | | | | | Draw Something | OMGPOP | Puzzle | Low Maturity | 51.16 | | | | | | Angry Birds Space | ROVIO MOBILE LTD. | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 51.16 | | | | | | Cut The Rope | ZEPTOLAB | Puzzle & Mind | Low Maturity | 51.24 | | | | | | Where 's My Water | Disney | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 51.16 | | | | | | Cut The Rope: Experiments | ZEPTOLAB | Puzzle & Mind | Low Maturity | 51.24 | | | | | | Asphalt 6: Adrernaline | Gameloft | Racing | Everyone | 51.16 | | | | | | fruit Ninja | HALFBRICK STUDIOS | Arcade& Action | Low Maturity | 63.79 | | | | | | Doodle Jump | Gamehouse | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 51.16 | | | | | | Scramble With Friends | Zynga | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 51.16 | | | | | | Mini Craft: Pocket Edition | Mojang | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 344.27 | | | | | | Phase 10 | Magmic Nic | Cards & casino | Everyone | 51.16 | | | | | | Grand Theft Auto III | Rockstar Games | Arcade & Action | High Maturity | 257.87 | | | | | | Osmos HD | HEMISPHERE GAMES | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 154.51 | | | | | | Train Crisis HD | U-PLAY ONLINE | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 67.06 | | | | | | football Manager Handheld | SEGA OF AMERICA | Sports | Everyone | 516.25 | | | | | | Reckless Racing 2 | POLARBIT | Racing | Everyone | 257.87 | | | | | | World Of Goo | 2D BOY | Puzzle & Mind | Low Maturity | 257.87 | | | | | | Apparatus | BITHACK | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 145.36 | | | | | | Where 's Waldo Now? | GAMELOFT | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 51.16 | | | | | | ModernCombat3:FallenNation | GAMELOFT | Arcade & Action | Medium Maturity | 361.22 | | | | | | Shadowgun | MADFINGER GAMES | Arcade & Action | Medium Maturity | 270.57 | | | | | | Uno | Gameloft | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 51.16 | | | | | | Robo Defence | Lupis Lab Software | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 154.51 | | | | | | Shogun: Bullet Hell Shooter | INT13.Net | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 134.79 | | | | | | Flick Golf | Full Fat | Sports | Low Maturity | 57.03 | | | | | | 名門ポケット学院2 | KAIROSOFT CO.,LTD | Casual | Everyone | 285.78 | | | | | | Worms | Electronic Arts Nederland BV | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 107.7 | | | | | | Sprinkle | Mediocre | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 103.66 | | | | | | Paladog | Fazecat | Arcade& Action | Everyone | 136.12 | | | | | | Great little war Game | RUBICON DEVELOPMENT | Arcade & Action | Medium Maturity | 153.72 | | | | | | Robot Unicorn Attack | [Adult Swim] Games | Casual | Everyone | 51.16 | | | | | | Homerun Battle 3D | com2uS | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 257.87 | | | | | | Reckless Racing 2 | Polarbit | Racing | Everyone | 259.75 | | | | | | pocket God | Ngmoco. LLc | Arcade & action | Low Maturity | 51.53 | | | | | | flip Golf Extreme | Full Fat | Sports | Low Maturity | 57.83 | | | | | | X Construction | CrossConstruct | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 68.63 | | | | | | The Moron Test | Distinct Dave Inc. | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 51.53 | | | | | | Zoo Keeper | Kiteretsu. Inc | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 95.62 | | | | | | Rip Tide GP | Vector Unit | Racing | Everyone | 155.64 | | | | | | Fifa 12 | EA Sports | Sports | Everyone | 273.82 | | | | | | Snow Bros. | Isac Entertainment Corp. | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 50.31 | | | | | | Quell Reflect | Fallentree Games | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 57.83 | | | | | | Sentinel 3: Homeworld | Origin & tecnologies Ltd. | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 155.04 | | | | | | The Lost City | Free Maple Games | Puzzle & Mind | Everone | 51.53 | | | | | | Field runners HD | subatomic Studios Llc | Action & Arcade | Everyone | 155.64 | | | | | | C.H.A.O.S | Sky.Net International | Arcade & Action | Medium Maturity | 51.64 | | | | | | Game Dave Story | KairoSoft Co. Ltd | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 146.61 | | | | | | Plant vs Zombies | EA Sports | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 164.02 | | | | | | Vgba- Gameboy | Garrage Research | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 259.75 | | | | | | NFS Shift | EA Sports | Racing | low Maturity | 164.02 | | | | | | Roll A Joint | Fdp Games | Puzzle & Mind | High Maturity | 103.59 | | | | | | Sprint HD | Jakyl | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 124.87 | | | | | | jelly Defence | Infinite Dreams | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 166.77 | | | | | | CanaBalt HD | Kittehface Software | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 155.64 | | | | | | Cafetaria nipponica | Kairosoft Co Ltd | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 254.98 | | | | | | Can Knockdown 2 | Infinite Dreams | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 57.83 | | | | | | GangsterRio: City of saints | Gameloft | arcade & Action | High Maturity | 363.86 | | | | | | The Moron Test 2 | distinctDave Inc. | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 51.53 | | | | | | reckless Racing | Polarbit | racing | Everyone | 103.59 | | | | | | NFS Hot Pursuit | EA Sports | Racing | Everyone | 273.82 | | | | | | Shine Runner | vector Unit | Racing | Medium Maturity | 103.59 | | | | | | SuperGNES | Bubble Zap Games | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 207.7 | | | | | | F18 Carrier Landing | Softcom | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 54.21 | | | | | | Air Attack HD | Art in Games | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 150.01 | | | | | | Fruit Ninja: Puss In Boots | halfbrick Studios | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 53.34 | | | | | | NFL Flick Quaterback | full Fat | Sports | Low Maturity | 57.83 | | | | | | Sonic 4 Episode 1 | Sega Of America | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 207.7 | | | | | | Flight Control | Namco networks | Puzzle & Mind | Medium Maturity | 155.64 | | | | | | Dead Space | EA Sports | Arcade & Action | Medium Maturity | 373.76 | | | | | | Flick Soccer | Full Fat | Sports | Low Maturity | 57.83 | | | | | | Bloons TD 4 | Digital Goldfish Ltd | Puzzle & Mind | Medium Maturity | 166.77 | | | | | | X-Plane 9 | Laminar Research | arcade & Action | Everyone | 155.64 | | | | | | The Impossible Game | Fluke Dude | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 50.28 | | | | | | N64 4 droid | Techworkzx | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 48.04 | | | | | | Back Stab | Gameloft | Arcade & Action | High Maturity | 363.86 | | | | | | Moto X Mayhem | Occamy Games | racing | Everyone | 104.34 | | | | | | Sleepy Jack | Silvertree Media | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 51.53 | | | | | | Collapse | Gamehouse | Puzzle & mind | Everyone | 51.53 | | | | | | Age Of Zombies | Halfbrick Studios | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 53.34 | | | | | | Dungeon Village | Kairosoft Co Ltd | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 254.98 | | | | | | Zenonia | Gamevil Inc | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 51.53 | | | | | | Game Hunter | Delicions Android Apps | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 103.59 | | | | | | Heavy Gunner 3D | Com2us | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 259.75 | | | | | | EnigmOn | Inaya Team | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 57.94 | | | | | | Reckless Racing Hd` | Polarbit | Racing | Everyone | 103.59 | | | | | | Blow Up | Camel Games | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 103.59 | | | | | | Words with Help for friends | epEK.ware | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 51.53 | | | | | | Trial extreme 2 | Deemedya m s ltd. | racing | Everyone | 103.59 | | | | | | Catan | Usm | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 205.19 | | | | | | N.O.V.A 2 | Gameloft | Arcade & Action | medium Maturity | 363.86 | | | | | | order & Chaos Online | Gameloft | Arcade & Action | Medium Maturity | 363.86 | | | | | | Rpg | Mmgames | Arcade & Action | Low Maturity | 126.21 | | | | | | Tank Riders | Polarbit | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 103.59 | | | | | | Stickman Cliff Diving | Djinnworks e u | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 102.25 | | | | | | Zombie Ville USA | Mika Mobile | Arcade & Action | Medium Maturity | 51.53 | | | | | | Captain America | Marvel Games | Arcade & Action | Everyone | 155.64 | | | | | | 大盛グルメ食堂 | Kairosoft Co Ltd | Puzzle & Mind | Everyone | 286.85 |
Analysis & Interpretation: * Top game developers are identified. * Most popular game categories are determined * The most popular games categories are:
Arcade & Action
Puzzle & Mind
Casual * Pricing range is determined.
4.1.4 Top Paid games for symbian.
To study the top paid games for symbian platform, detail study of ovistore was conducted. * To find the top paid games on ovi store downloaded by the symbian users. * To identify most popular categories of games in paid section * To identify top symbian games developers. * To identify the pricing range of the games.
Table 4.6 Top paid symbian games Game | Developer | Category | Price (Rs.) | | | | | Need For Speed Shift | Electronic Arts | Sports | 75 | | | | | Angry Birds | RovioMobile | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | Assassin 's Creed II | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | Block Breaker 3 Unlimited | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | Worms | Electronic Arts | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | doodle Jump | GameHouse | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Sky Force Reloaded | Infinite Dreams | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | Bubble Bash 2 | gameloft SA | Puzzle & Mind | 75 | | | | | Asphalt 6: Adrenaline | Gameloft SA | Sports | 25 | | | | | Date or Ditch 2 | Gameloft SA | Puzzle & Mind | 75 | | | | | Unblock Me | Frog | Puzzle & Mind | 25 | | | | | Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD | Gameloft SA | Sports | 25 | | | | | Angry Birds Seasons | RovioMobile | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | Angry Birds Rio | RovioMobile | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | Fruit Ninja | Halfbrick | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Cricket T20 Fever HD | Indiagames ltd | Sports | 25 | | | | | Spider-Man: Total Mayhem HD | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Laser Cut | 11 | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | James Cameron 's Avatar HD | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Angry Birds | RovioMobile | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | T20 Cricket Premier League 11 | Synqua Games | Sports | 50 | | | | | Need For Speed Shift HD | Electronic Arts | Sports | 99 | | | | | Moto X Mayhem | Occamy Games | Sports | 25 | | | | | Real Football 2010 Hd | Gameloft SA | Sports | 25 | | | | | Asphalt 5 HD | Gameloft SA | Sports | 25 | | | | | Cut The Rope | ZeptoLab | Puzzle & Mind | 75 | | | | | Hero of Sparta HD | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Ultimate Cricket 11 World Cup | Syqua Games | Sports | 50 | | | | | Drop | Frog | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Eternal Legacy HD | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Tetris | Electronic Arts | Puzzle & Mind | 75 | | | | | Tom Clancy 's H.A.W.X HD | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | GT Racing: Motor Academy HD | Gameloft SA | Sports | 25 | | | | | Skyforce Reloaded | Infinite Dreams | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | Assassin 's Creed HD | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Tetris POP | Electronic Arts | Puzzle & Mind | 75 | | | | | Clever Driver | Hxstudio | Puzzle & Mind | 50 | | | | | Bubble Birds 2 | XIMAD | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | ChessGenius | ChessGenius | Puzzle & Mind | 125 | | | | | Angry Birds-Level pack 4 | RovioMobile | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | Mobi Tennis | Nextwave | Sports | 25 | | | | | EA Cricket 11 | Electronic Arts | Sports | 75 | | | | | Angry Birds | RovioMobile | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | Cute Bird – Game | DreamGamez | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Spider Solitaire | Molokov Dmitry | Cards & Casino | 25 | | | | | MicroPool | Botond FM | Sports | 50 | | | | | Bulldozer Inc | HandyGames | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Farm Frenzy | Herocraft | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | 12x1 Solitaire | Electronic Arts | Cards & Casino | 75 | | | | | Minesweeper | Frog | Puzzle & Mind | 25 | | | | | WarChess 3D | indiagames Ltd. | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Rally Master Pro | Fishlabs | Sports | 25 | | | | | Drop It | Hyperkani | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Temple Rush | Arsanesia | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Waka vs Maka | Good news 4 me | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Bubble Bobble | Billy | Arcade & action | 25 | | | | | NFS Shift HD | Electronic Arts | Sports | 99 | | | | | Tankzors Pro | DaSuppaStudios | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Brain Power | Hxstudio | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | Glow Air Hockey | Hyperkani | Sports | 50 | | | | | Tank Shoot | GizmoBuddy | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | Motocross Masters | Sadetta Oy | Sports | 50 | | | | | Untangle RE | Sergey Novikov | Puzzle & Mind | 25 | | | | | Gold Rush XXL | Lunagames | Puzzle & Mind | 25 | | | | | Apokalypse- Pigs of Doom | Handygames | Puzzle & Mind | 25 | | | | | High Speed 3D | HeroCraft | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Pool Rebel | Compumaster Ltd | Sports | 50 | | | | | Parking | Frog | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Snake Deluxe 2 | CrazySoft | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | GT Racing: Motor Academy | Gameloft SA | Sports | 75 | | | | | Number Puzzle | G Soft Team | Puzzle & Mind | 25 | | | | | Defence Tower | SwisSt | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Solitaire | Odesys, LLC | Cards & casino | 75 | | | | | Medal of Honor | Electronic Arts | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | Fantasy pool | tero toivonen | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | IND vs AuS 2012 | Jump Games | Sports | 25 | | | | | The chronicles of Narnia | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | Angry Birds - Level pack 3 | Roviomobile | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | SPB Puzzle | SPB Software | Puzzle & Mind | 99 | | | | | Zuminja | XIMAD | Arcade & Action | 50 | | | | | The Game of Life | Electronic Arts | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | Monopoly Here and Now | Electronic Arts | Arcade & Action | 75 | | | | | Battle cars | Octacore | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Bejeweled | Electronic Arts | Puzzle & Mind | 75 | | | | | Fruit Ninja – NFC | Halfbrick | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Monsterit | JETI | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Art of War 2 | HeroCraft | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Hard Rock Casino Collection | electronic Arts | Cards & Casino | 75 | | | | | Need for Speed The Run | electronic Arts | Sports | 75 | | | | | Babelicious Bipasha Puzzle | MIGITAL | Puzzle & Mind | 50 | | | | | The Settlers HD | Gameloft SA | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | crazy Hamster | Gamelion | Puzzle & Mind | 50 | | | | | Robodef | DaSuppaStudios | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Cricket T20 Fever | Indiagames Ltd. | Sports | 50 | | | | | Sharp- Gedda-Headz Natives | Gedda-Headz | Arcade & Action | 25 | | | | | Tetris HD | Electronic Arts | Arcade & Action | 99 | | | | | Cool Toons Pro | MIGITAL | Arcade & Action | 99 | | | | | Wild Race | indiagames Ltd. | Sports | 25 | | | | | Super Sudoku | NET Lizard | Puzzle & Mind | 50 | | | | | Bubble Drop Reloaded | GizmoBuddy | Puzzle & Mind | 75 |
Analysis & Interpretation: * Top game developers are identified. * Most popular game categories are determined * The most popular games categories are:
Arcade & Action
Puzzle & Mind
Casual * Pricing range is determined.
4.1.5 Detail about top paid apps for android.
To understand the most downloaded android apps a detailed study of top paid apps on google play was conducted. * To find the top paid apps on google play downloaded by the android users. * To identify most popular app categories of apps in paid section * To identify top android apps developers. * To identify the pricing range of the apps.
Table 4.7 Top paid android Apps Name | Developer | Category | Rating | Price per app (Rs.) | Beautiful Widget | Level Up Studio | Personalization | Low Maturity | 137.06 | Swift Key X Keyboard | Touchtype Ltd | Productivity | Everyone | 156.95 | Power Amp Full Version | Max MP(Msr Ltd) | Music & Audio | Everyone | 261.31 | Titanium Backup Key * Root | Titanium Track | Tools | Everyone | 309.49 | TuneIn Radio | TuneIn | Music & Audio | Low Maturity | 51.88 | Camera Zoom FX | Androidslide | Photography | Low Maturity | 151.05 | Root Explorer | Speed Software | Productivity | Everyone | 210.96 | Paper Camera | JFDP Labs | Photography | Everyone | 100.42 | ROM Manager | ClockworkMod | Tools | Everyone | 313.9 | Sound Hound | Sound Hound Inc | Music & Audio | Medium Maturity | 261.49 | Documents To Go | Dataviz Inc. | Bussiness | Everyone | 785.53 | Shazam Encore | Shazam entertainment Ltd. | Music & Audio | Medium Maturity | 252.31 | Tapatalk Forum App | Quoord System Ltd | Social | Medium Maturity | 155.3 | ADWLauncher FX | AnderWeb | Personalization | Everyone | 158.41 | Endomondo Sports Tracker | Endomondo | Sports & Fitness | Low Maturity | 203.68 | ezPDF Reader | Unidocs Inc | Productivity | Everyone | 160.69 | Set CPU for Root Users | MichaelHuang | Tools | Everyone | 104.28 | Smart Tools | Smart Tools Inc | Tools | Low Maturity | 123.96 | WidgetLocker LockScreen | Teslacoil Software | Personalization | Everyone | 156.69 | My Backup Pro | Rerware LLC | Tools | Everyone | 261.49 | HD Widgets | | Personalization | Low Maturity | 104.28 | SlideIT Keyboard | Dasur Ltd. | Tools | Everyone | 313.33 | SketchBook Mobile | Autodesk Incc | Media & Video | Everyone | 104.28 | Business Calender | Appgenix Software | Productivity | Everyone | 274.81 | SPB Shell 3D | SPB Software | Personalization | Everyone | 783.44 | WeatherBug Elite | Earth Networks | Weather | Low Maturity | 104.28 | at Bat 12 | MLB Advanced Media, L.P | Sports & Fitness | Low Maturity | 785.53 | JuiceDefender Ultimate | Latedroid | Productivity | Low Maturity | 343.69 | Akinator The Genie | Elokence | Entertainment | Medium Maturity | 109.51 | PicSay Pro | Shinycore | Photography | Everyone | 205.94 | Play Pro Music Player | BlastOn Llc | Music & Audio | Everyone | 227.29 | Smart Keyboard Pro | Dexilog, LLC | Tools | Everyone | 137.06 | Talking Tom Cat 2 | Outfit7 | Entertainment | Everyone | 51.88 | XDA Premium | xda-developers | Communication | Everyone | 78.08 | Volume+ | Meltus | Tools | Everyone | 105.48 | ROM Toolbox Pro | JRummy16 | Tools | Everyone | 261.49 | Star Chart | Escapist Games Ltd | Education | Low Maturity | 167.92 | MX Player Pro | MX Technologies | Media & Video | Everyone | 275.47 | Cam Scanner PDF Creator | IntSig Information Co. Ltd | Productivity | Everyone | 261.49 | Sleep as android unlock | Petr Nalevka | Lifestyle | Everyone | 68.19 | FlighTrack | Mobiata | Travel & Local | Everyone | 261.49 | Tasker | Crafty Apps | Tools | Medium Maturity | 336.69 | Weather Pro | MeteoGroup | Weather | Low Maturity | 172.88 | Nova Launcher Prime | Teslacoil Software | Personalization | Everyone | 209.61 | Torque Pro | Ian Hawkins | Communication | Low Maturity | 248.93 | Quick Office Pro | Quick Office | Bussiness | Everyone | 785.53 | Ultimate Guitar Tabs | Ultimate Guitar | Music & Audio | Everyone | 156.69 | Airsync | double twist | Music & Audio | Everyone | 261.49 | Superuser Elite | ChainsDD | Tools | Everyone | 157.21 | Exchange by TouchDown key | Nitrodesk, Inc | Bussiness | Everyone | 1047.55 | Mobile Odin Pro | Chainfree | Tools | Low Maturity | 274.81 | HaxSync - ICS Facebook Sync | Mathias Rooth | Social | Everyone | 68.19 | Office Suite Pro 6 | Mobile Systems | Bussiness | Everyone | 785.53 | Wolframalfa | wolframalfa LLc | Books & Reference | Low Maturity | 156.69 | App2SD Pro | Sam Lu | Tools | Everyone | 104.28 | Thumb Keyboard | Beansoft | Productivity | Everyone | 120.17 | LaunchPro Plus Unlocker | Federico Carnales | Personalization | Everyone | 182.89 | PrinterShare | Mobile Dynamics | Bussiness | Everyone | 678.63 | Talking Tom Cat | Outfit7 | Entertainment | Medium Maturity | 51.88 | Equalizer Unlock Key | Smart Android Apps, LLC | Music & Audio | Everyone | 51.88 | Antivirus Pro | Avg Mobilation | Communication | Low Maturity | 523.51 | Splashtop Remote Desktop | Splashtop | Bussiness | Everyone | 262.78 | iSyncr for PC | JRTStudio | Music & Audio | Everyone | 156.69 | Fpse for Android | Schtruck & Ldchen | Entertainment | Everyone | 205.94 | ADAC Wanderführer Deutschland | ALPSTEIN Tourismus GmbH & Co.KG | Travel & Local | Everyone | 205.94 | aniPet Aquarium live Wallpaper | aniFREE | Personalization | Everyone | 104.28 | IP Cam Viewer Pro | Robert Chaou | Productivity | Everyone | 209.09 | Geocaching | Groundspeak Inc | Entertainment | Low Maturity | 523.51 | Japanese Shakura Lwallpaper | | Personalization | Everyone | 63.96 | Koi Live Wallpaper | Kittehface software | Personalization | Everyone | 51.88 | Aquarium Live Wallpaper | Kittehface software | Personalization | Everyone | 51.88 | Instant Heart Rate- Pro | Azumio Inc | Health & Fitness | Low Maturity | 51.88 | Fancy Widgets Unlocker | Android Does | Personalization | Everyone | 134.98 | Flightradar24 Pro | Svenska Resenatverket AB | Travel & Local | Low Maturity | 108.68 | Pro HDR Camera | EyeApps LLc | Photography | Everyone | 104.28 | Diptic | Peak Systems | Photography | Everyone | 51.88 | Friendcaster Pro | OneLouder Apps | Social | Medium Maturity | 261.49 | Extended Controls | Honolulu Team | Tools | Low Maturity | 54.41 | SkyDroid - Golf gps | Paul Goldstein | Sports & Fitness | Low Maturity | 104.28 | Pano | Debacle Software | Photography | Everyone | 157.58 | Talking Ben The Dog | Outfit7 | Entertainment | Everyone | 51.88 | HDR Camera+ | Almalence | Photography | Everyone | 209.09 | My Beach HD | DualBoot Games | Personalization | Everyone | 104.28 | JuiceDefender Plus | Latedroid | Productivity | Low Maturity | 137.06 | No Root Screenshot It | Edward Kim | Tools | Everyone | 261.49 | AIVC- Pro Version | Yourapps24 | Communication | Low Maturity | 123.29 | Vplayer Unlocker | ABitNo | Media & Video | Everyone | 263.34 | iKamasutra- Sex Position | NBITe Inc | Books & Reference | High Maturity | 54.7 | SwitchPro Widget | Droid Shogun | Tools | Everyone | 51.88 | RealCalc Plus | Quartic Software | Tools | Everyone | 167.92 | Thunderstrom Live Wallpaper | Kittehface software | Personalization | Everyone | 51.88 | Talking Pierre The Parrot | Outfit7 | Entertainment | Everyone | 51.88 | Tasks | Team Tasks | Productivity | Everyone | 57.31 | Advanced Task Killer Pro | ReChild | Productivity | Everyone | 261.49 | ASTRO File Manager Pro | Metago | Productivity | Everyone | 209.09 | APW Licence Key | DR. Appche | Productivity | Everyone | 130.07 | Swift Key X Keyboard | Touchtype Ltd | Productivity | Everyone | 156.95 | なでなで目覚まし。「かのん」 | Interlink Corporation | Entertainment | Everyone | 109.82 | HotSchedule | HotSchedule | Productivity | Everyone | 156.69 | Vignette | Neilandtheresa | Photography | Everyone | 210.12 |
Analysis & Interpretation: * Top app developers are identified. * Most popular app categories are determined * The most popular app categories are: Personalization Productivity Music & Audio Tools Music & Audio Photography Productivity |
* Pricing range is determined.
4.2 Data collected with the help of consumer survey
4.2.1 Demographics of the sample
Table 4.8 Demographics Region | Male | Female | Total | East Delhi | 15 | 5 | 20 | North Delhi | 20 | 20 | 40 | South Delhi | 40 | 10 | 50 | West Delhi | 20 | 10 | 30 | NCR | 40 | 20 | 60 | Total | 135 | 65 | 200 |
Figure 4.2 Demographics
Analysis & Interpretation:
The survey is male dominant & It is conducted in Delhi & NCR only.
Table 4.9 Age Demographics Age | Frequency | <18 | 60 | 18-25 | 100 | 25-40 | 30 | >40 | 10 | Total | 200 |
Figure 4.3 Age Demographics
Analysis & Interpretation:
Mostly young crowd was covered as the product is for the youth so focus is on getting their opinion. 50% of the consumers covered are 18-25 years old.
4.2.2 Internet Users
Table 4.10 Internet Users | Yes | No | Total | 170 | 30 |
Figure 4.4 Internet users
Analysis & Interpretation:
We were determined to find that more & more people are now using internet as our product is only for the internet consumers. People who don’t have access to internet are not in our potential market. Study shows 85% of the respondents are internet users.
4.2.3 Average time spent online by internet users
Table 4.11 Online time Time | Frequency | < 1 hour | 20 | 1-2 hour | 50 | 2-5 hour | 40 | > 5 hour | 60 | Total | 170 |
Figure 4.5 Online time
Analysis & Interpretation:
The study showed that not only people are using internet but they are spending a lot of time online. The survey shows that 35% of the people spend more than 5 hours online.
4.2.4 Awareness Level about apps & games
Table 4.12 Awareness Level Gender | Yes | No | Total | Male | 110 | 25 | 135 | Female | 50 | 15 | 65 | Total | 160 | 40 | 200 |
Figure 4.6 Awareness Level
Analysis & Interpretation:
The study shows that people are well aware about the product. The awreness level among male is much greater than among the females.
4.2.5 Type of mobile phone you currently own & use
Table 4.13 Device status Device | Frequency | Standard Mobile Phone | 60 | Web- enabled mobile phone | 50 | Smart Phone | 90 | Total | 200 |
Figure 4.7 Device status
Analysis & Interpretation:
The study shows that 70% of the people have either a smart phone or a web-enabled phone. This fact again supports that internet usage among people is quite popular.
4.2.6 Mobile & pc gamers and app users * PC apps & games usersTable 4.14 PC users | | YES | No | Total | 121 | 79 |
Figure 4.8 PC Users * Paid apps & games usersTable 4.15 Paid users | | YES | No | Total | 16 | 105 |
Figure 4.9 Paid users
Analysis & Interpretation:
The study indicates that 60% people are using apps & games but among them only 13% are paid users which is a concern. * Mobile apps & games usersTable 4.16 Mobile users | | YES | No | Total | 155 | 45 |
Figure 4.10 Mobile Users * Paid apps & games usersTable 4.17 Paid users | | YES | No | Total | 32 | 123 |
Figure 4.11 Paid Users
Analysis & Interpretation:
The study indicates that 77% people are using apps & games but among them only 21% are paid users which is a concern.
4.2.7 Internet Users Vs Mobile Operating Device
Table 4.18 Internet users Vs operating device Device | Yes | No | Total | Blackberry | 25 | 5 | 30 | Android | 80 | 20 | 100 | Symbian | 10 | 30 | 40 | Other | 10 | 20 | 30 | Total | 125 | 75 | 200 |
Figure 4.12 internet users Vs operating device
Analysis & Interpretation:
The study indicates most popular platform among the consumers is android. The android users are also shows the highest percentage of internet users. This signifies that people are moving with the latest innovation which is a good sign for us as this is our focussed market.
4.2.8 Game play frequency
Table 4.19 Playing frequency Time | Male | Female | Daily | 32 | 25 | 2-3 times a week | 53 | 7 | once a week | 31 | 1 | once a month | 3 | 2 | never | 16 | 30 | Total | 135 | 65 |
Figure 4.13 Playing Frequency
Analysis & interpretation:
The study shows that about 67% of the sample size is fond of games and among them most people are frequent players.
4.2.9 Game play per week
Table 4.20 Playing frequency/week Time | frequency | <30 min | 104 | 30-60 min | 23 | 1-2 hours | 7 | >2 hours | 6 | Total | 135 |
Figure 4.14 Playing frequency/ week
Analysis & Interpretation:
The study shows that 74% of the people spend less than 30 min/ week for games.
4.2.10 Factors influencing increased mobile phone game play
Table 4.21 Influencing Factors Factors | frequency | More free games are available | 132 | New phones have better graphics providing better game play | 24 | quality of games has improved | 26 | games are good value for money | 18 | total | 200 |
Figure 4.15 Influencing Factors
Analysis & Interpretation:
The study shows that the most influencing factor is that the games are available for free.
4.2.11 Benefits obtained by playing online and mobile games
Table 4.22 Benefits of game play Benefits | frequency | passing time | 107 | stress bursting | 44 | Accomplishment/ competitive spirit | 26 | confidence building | 13 | Total | 200 |
Figure 4.16 Benefits of game play
Analysis & Interpretation:
The study indicates the reason behind using the services are mostly for passing time & stress bursting.
4.2.12 Devices used for games most often
Table 4.23 Gaming Device Device | Frequency | mobile | 105 | pc | 82 | game console | 13 | Total | 200 |
Figure 4.17 Gaming Device
Analysis & Interpretation:
The most popular gaming device came out to be mobile which is again a good sign for the prospect of our product. PC gamers are also present indicating it as an important device.
5. Conclusion & Recommendations
On the basis of the study we were able to draw out various conclusions. Most of our research objectives were fulfilled by the study.
We were able to conclude:
* From the study we shortlisted potential publishers & aggregators who can provide us their services. The following table shows the priority list.
Table 5.1 App aggregator’s priority list S.No. | Publisher | Country | Website Address | 1 | Arvato Mobile | Germany | | 2 | Digital Chocolate | Finland | | 3 | Disney Mobile Studios | Germany | | 4 | EA Mobile | U.S.A | | 5 | Gameloft | France | | 6 | Glu | U.S.A | | 7 | Hands-On | U.S.A | | 8 | Bitmap | U.K | | 9 | HandyGames | Germany | | 10 | I-Play | U.S.A | | 11 | IG Fun | India | | 12 | THQ Wireless | U.S.A | |
* From the study we shortlisted potential publishers & aggregators who can provide us their services. The following table shows the priority list.
Table 5.2 Top Indian games aggregators’ priority list | Developer(Website) | City | 1 | Lakshya Digital ( ) | DELHI | 2 | Gameshastra ( ) | DELHI | 3 | Game loft ( ) | DELHI | 4 | Ea mobiles ( ) | DELHI | 5 | 7seas ( ) | DELHI | 6 | Zen Technologies ( ) | DELHI | 7 | VMC ( Now it is Octane) | DELHI | 8 | Fx Labs ( ) | DELHI | 9 | Immersive Games ( ) | DELHI | 10 | Tiger Tails ( ) | DELHI | 11 | Redington ( ) | CHENNAI | 12 | Red Octane ( ) | CHENNAI | 13 | NextwaveMultimedia( ) | CHENNAI | 14 | Rel Q (Now it is an HP Company) | BANGALORE | 15 | E4E ( ) | BANGALORE | 16 | Digital Chocolate ( ) | BANGALORE | 17 | Dhruva Interactive ( ) | BANGALORE | 18 | Paprikaas Interactive Services | BANGALORE | 19 | Robosoft Technologies ( ) | UDUPI | 20 | Nazara Technologies ( ) | MUMBAI | 21 | MilestoneInteractive ( ) | MUMBAI | 22 | Zapak ( ) | MUMBAI | 23 | E-X press ( ) | MUMBAI | 24 | Excel Interactive | MUMBAI | 25 | Trine ( ) | MUMBAI | 26 | Mauj ( ) | MUMBAI | 27 | | MUMBAI | 28 | Games2Win ( ) | MUMBAI | 29 | Ubisoft | PUNE | 30 | Globalstep ( | PUNE |
* We found out that more & more people are using internet and especially internet on mobile is a booming trend. * We were able to study the gaming habits of the consumers & what forces drives them to play games. * The qualities which the consumer values the most were also found out. * Potential target market was determined i.e. 18-25 years old. * Awareness level about the product was also determined.
I would suggest PK online retail team to take full advantage of the growing internet & mobile market. Internet users are increasing in number every day. Such retail store which provides all type of digital content at a single place is one of its kinds; hence they have advantages of first movers. All they need to do is aggressive marketing of their product. Providing all such service at a single place is a brilliant idea. Live TV would also provide them a great boost as today’s generation requires entertainment on the go & live mobile TV is indeed a great prospect.
Ajzen, I., 2001. Nature and Operation of Attitudes. Annual Review of Psychology 52 (1): 27-58.
Ajzen, I., 1991. The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,50(2): 179-211.
Barnett, W. and A. Presley, 2004. Theory of Planned Behavior Model in Electronic Learning: A Pilot Study. Issues in Information Systems, 7(1): 22-8.
Belk, R.W., 1985. Issues in the Intention-Behavior Discrepancy. Research in Consumer Behavior, 1: 1-34.
Bredahl, L, 2001. Determinants of consumer attitudes and purchase intentions with regard to genetically modified Food–Results of a cross-national survey. Journal of Consumer Policy, 24(1): 23-61.
Cao, X. and P.L. Mokhtarian, 2005. How do individuals adapt their personal travel? Objective and subjective influences on the consideration of travel-related strategies for San Francisco bay area commuters. Transport Policy., 12(4): 291-302.
Childers, T. L., C. L. Carr, J. Peck and S. Carson, 2001. Hedonic and utilitarian motivations for online retail shopping behavior. Journal of Retailing, 77(4): 511-35.
Chua, A., A. Khatibi and H. Ismail, 2006. E-commerce: A study on online shopping in Malaysia. Journal of Social Science, 13(3): 231-42.
Davis, F.D., 1989. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3): 319-40.
Fishbein, M., 1963. An investigation of the relationships between beliefs about an object and the attitude toward that object. Human Relations, 16(3): 233.
Fishbein, M. and I. Ajzen, 1980. Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. Engle-Wood-Cliffs, NY: Prentice Hall.
Gauzente, C., 2004. Web merchants ' privacy and security statements: How reassuring are they for consumers? A two-sided approach '. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 5(3): 181-98.
Haque, A., J. Sadeghzadeh and A. Khatibi, 2006. Identifying potentiality online sales in malaysia: A study on customer relationships online shopping. Journal of Applied Business Research, 22(4): 119.
Khatibi, A., A. Haque and K. Karim, 2006. E-commerce: A study on internet shopping in malaysia. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6: 696-705.
Kim, E.Y. and Y.K. Kim, 2004. Predicting online purchase intentions for clothing products. European Journal of Marketing, 38(7): 883-97.
Chawla, D., & Sondhi, N. (2011). Research Methodology: Concepts and Cases. New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Kotler, K., Keller, K.L., Koshy, A., Jha, M. (2009). Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective. New Delhi, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Research Methodology: Methods And Techniques C R Kothari; New Age International
International Journal Studies of Consumer Studies- Volume 33, Issues 6, November 2012.
Markets And Markets. (2011). Mobile application Market: Innovations, Competitive Outlook and Global Forecast (2010 - 2015).
Websites Visited: * * * * * * * * * * *
PK Online is an integrated content and advertising player which is focused on driving revenues from delivery of rich content and value added services like video, apps and advertising on broadband telecom networks like DSL, 3G and emerging LTE networks.
VAS SERVICES * Streaming Services * IVVR * Advertising * M RBT * Storefront Solutions * Digital TV
ADVERTISING SERVICES * Online & Mobile * Video Advertising * Operator Deck Advertising
Revenue Model
Capitalizing on emerging trends in content consumption patterns, PK Online has developed competencies and platforms to monetize its services using multiple models like * Freemium * Subscription * ad supported
The company’s GoTo Market strategy addresses the needs of a range of customers * Consumers : Through direct B2C branded Hello TV storefronts on mobile and internet via websites and Apps * Operator Driven 3G Services : Like IVVR services ( Live TV, VOD and Interactive content) ,MRBT * Enterprises: Branded storefronts and Apps for content owners, advertising Service
Q1. Gender
a) Male b) Female
Q2. Do you use Internet?
Q3. Average time spent online?
a) < 1 Hr b) 1-2 Hr c) 2-5 Hr d) >5 Hr
Q4. Age * <18 b) 18-25 c) 25-40 d) >40
Q5. Are you aware about games & apps? a) Yes b) No
Q6. What type of mobile phone you currently own & use? a) Standard mobile b) Smart Phone c) web-enabled phone
Q7. Do you use apps or play games on your pc? a) Yes b) No
Q7.1 Are they paid or free?
Q8. Do you use mobile apps & games? a) Yes b) No
Q8.1 Are they paid or free?
Q9 Which platform you have on your mobile & do you use internet?
Q9. How often do you play games on your mobile phone? a) Daily b) 2-3 times a week c) Once a week d) Once a month e) Never
Q10. No. Of hours/ week games played on mobile? a) < 30 min b) 30-60 min c) 1-2 Hr d) > 2hours
Q11. Which of these factors influence increased mobile game play? a) Free games b) Availability of better graphics on new handsets c) Quality of games have improved d) games are good value for money
Q12. What benefits you try to obtain by playing games? a) Passing time b) stress bursting c) Accomplishment/ competitive spirit d) confidence building
Q13. Which device you often use to play games? a) Mobile b) PC c) gaming console
References: Ajzen, I., 2001. Nature and Operation of Attitudes. Annual Review of Psychology 52 (1): 27-58. Ajzen, I., 1991. The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,50(2): 179-211. Barnett, W. and A. Presley, 2004. Theory of Planned Behavior Model in Electronic Learning: A Pilot Study. Issues in Information Systems, 7(1): 22-8. Belk, R.W., 1985. Issues in the Intention-Behavior Discrepancy. Research in Consumer Behavior, 1: 1-34. Bredahl, L, 2001. Determinants of consumer attitudes and purchase intentions with regard to genetically modified Food–Results of a cross-national survey. Journal of Consumer Policy, 24(1): 23-61. Cao, X. and P.L. Mokhtarian, 2005. How do individuals adapt their personal travel? Objective and subjective influences on the consideration of travel-related strategies for San Francisco bay area commuters. Transport Policy., 12(4): 291-302. Childers, T. L., C. L. Carr, J. Peck and S. Carson, 2001. Hedonic and utilitarian motivations for online retail shopping behavior. Journal of Retailing, 77(4): 511-35. Chua, A., A. Khatibi and H. Ismail, 2006. E-commerce: A study on online shopping in Malaysia. Journal of Social Science, 13(3): 231-42. Davis, F.D., 1989. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3): 319-40. Fishbein, M., 1963. An investigation of the relationships between beliefs about an object and the attitude toward that object. Human Relations, 16(3): 233. Fishbein, M. and I. Ajzen, 1980. Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. Engle-Wood-Cliffs, NY: Prentice Hall. Gauzente, C., 2004. Web merchants ' privacy and security statements: How reassuring are they for consumers? A two-sided approach '. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 5(3): 181-98. Haque, A., J. Sadeghzadeh and A. Khatibi, 2006. Identifying potentiality online sales in malaysia: A study on customer relationships online shopping. Journal of Applied Business Research, 22(4): 119. Khatibi, A., A. Haque and K. Karim, 2006. E-commerce: A study on internet shopping in malaysia. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6: 696-705. Kim, E.Y. and Y.K. Kim, 2004. Predicting online purchase intentions for clothing products. European Journal of Marketing, 38(7): 883-97. Chawla, D., & Sondhi, N. (2011). Research Methodology: Concepts and Cases. New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Kotler, K., Keller, K.L., Koshy, A., Jha, M. (2009). Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective. New Delhi, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. Markets And Markets. (2011). Mobile application Market: Innovations, Competitive Outlook and Global Forecast (2010 - 2015).