First of all, use-related segmentation is defined as a popular and effective form of segmentation that categorized consumers in terms of product, service, or brand-usage characteristics, such as usage rate, awareness status, and degree of brand loyalty. The rate of usage segment can be differentiated as heavy users, medium users and light users. The marketers will usually target on the small group of heavy users. For example, the business travelers will heavily use the business center and the business facilities such as the meeting rooms and video conferencing in the hotel. Therefore, the business hotels will target on those business travelers. Conversely, the resort hotels will target on the leisure travelers who will heavily use the recreation facilities such as spa and outdoor activities (Inbakaran and Jackson, 2005).
Besides, the awareness status is also important in segmentation. Many people have to go to other countries for holiday or business purpose. Most of them are pet owners and they would like to bring their pets travel together. To create awareness and interest of pet-travelers, some airlines, hotels