Project title- To study availability, sales and prescription trends of different haematinics.
Location of market research- Kanpur(U.P.)
Duration- 26 days.
My role-my role in the project was to carry out market research and collect the responses from different areas,then compile all the data and analyse the collective responses of the whole sample.on the basis of analysis and inferences of data collected we arrived on conclusion and key findings of the whole project.
Method development- the method used for survey was face to face interview and questionnaire filling of doctors as well as chemist.This method is best suited for this project.
Sample size- project sample size was 100 specialist doctors and 150 potential chemists.
Sampling method- simple random sampling.
Usefulness of the project- this project is very useful to find out the availability and sales trend of different haematinic brands available in the market so that we can fill gaps in our marketing strategy in order to capture more market also gives an idea about clustered marketing approach of different follower brands. The project data also gives an idea about the important parameters which makes a doctor prescribe a particular heamatinic,so we can focus largely on those factors.
Current status- According to my research collective average per week sales of competitor brand Dexorange is slightly higher than of the Hepatoglobine in Kanpur and some other brands are also getting significant sales in certain areas.
Market potential – If we talk about some key areas of Kanpur ,then there is significantly better opportunity to gain some market share,by concentrating more on those areas where some reputed gynaecologists alongwith large number of female patients are potential is very good due to a large population.
The summer project assigned to me was on both retailers and doctors level. In project work at retailers front I