Business Communication
Fullerton College
Allison Pratt 949) 588 8385 Monday and Wednesday 10:00-11:30
Course Description:
This course provides instruction and practice in business English and in the mechanics and appearance of writing business letters, memos, and reports. Communication technology will be discussed including usage of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, wikis, podcasts and other tools. One original research report is required. Emphasis will also be placed on improving the student’s verbal communication and presentation skills.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
• Analyze a routine business request and respond with a written letter that illustrates good business writing skills.
• Evaluate a report request and devise strategies to reach the intended audience and write the report. • Evaluate a presentation situation, devise strategies to reach the intended audience and make the presentation successfully.
Required Text and References:
Essentials of Business Communication, 9e., with Aplia. Guffey, Mary Ellen. Cengage, 2013.
ISBN: 9781285111988. You must buy the new edition of the book (9th) with the Aplia code in order to complete the course. The book is available at the Fullerton College bookstore or online.
Please bring a memory device to every class. A reserved copy of the book is available at the Fullerton College library in the “Resources” section under the name – Standen.
Assignments: Grade Value: Aplia Homework & Writing 100 points Demonstrated Leadership 100 points Individual Presentation 50 points Group Work Plan and Term Paper 150 points Group Presentation 150 Writing