Journal of Business Research xxx (2012) xxx–xxx
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Journal of Business Research
Green marketing ' functions in building corporate image in the retail setting☆
Eunju Ko a, Yoo Kyung Hwang a, Eun Young Kim b,⁎ a b
Yonsei University, Department of Clothing & Textiles, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Chungbuk National University, Department of Fashion Design Information, 410 SungBong Ro, Cheongju, Chungbuk, 361763, Republic of Korea
Article history:
Received 1 November 2010
Received in revised form 1 July 2011
Accepted 1 September 2011
Available online xxxx
Corporate image
Green marketing
Product image
This study explores the relationship among green marketing, corporate image, and purchase intentions in the retail setting from a consumer perspective. A total of 389 usable questionnaires are obtained from female consumers who are major customer at the selected retailer (e.g., department stores) in Seoul, Korea. Data analysis was conducted using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling via LISREL 8.8.
Findings confirm that corporate images consist of three factors: social responsibility, product image, and corporate reputation. In an estimated model, the green marketing has a direct effect on the social responsibility and product image. In particular, the factor of social responsibility plays an important role as mediator in the effect of green marketing on product or corporate reputation. Of the three factors of corporate image, product image and corporate reputation have a direct effect on purchase intentions, whereas social responsibility has an indirect effect on purchase intentions in the retail setting. This study discusses managerial implications for a strategic marketing performance through building corporate images on a basis of green marketing.
© 2012 Elsevier
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