Market is managing profitable costumer relationship. The goal of marketing is to attract new costumers by promising superior value and to keep and grow current costumers by delivering satisfaction.
Marketin is a social process by which individuals or groups obtain what they want and need through creating and exchanging product s and value with others.
In a business context Marketing is the process by which companies create value for costumers and build strong relationship in order to capture value from costumers in return.
The aim of marketing is make selling unnecessary.
Marketing is the field of the economic science which study the desrciption of the market and the analyses of the market interactions.
Is the science of discover, create and supply values in order to soddisfy needs and wants of a specific market, making a profit.
A market orientation requires organization involved in the information of costumers needs and wants and use that to build long-term relationship with costumers.
Market managament
Consists in the analyses, pianification, control of prdocuts, which have the function to make exchanges between markets. Its goal is to adapt the offer of products in respect of the market needs.
Different orientation at the market
Producation orientation:
The market is caracterize by a a strong demand compare to the offer. The unique worry of the firm is the one to reduce the cost of production, in a market where keep low price is the main thing to fight the competition.
Product orientation:
The firm is concentrated on the product tecnology rather than on the costumer.
Sell orientation: We try to sell what we have produced. Is a inside-out prospective, applied in short-period an dwith products with less visibility.
Market Orientation: It consists in the comprension of the needs and wants of customers in order to produce product. Is a outside-in prospective. Is considered a proactive