PROGRAM: SEMESTER: COURSE TYPE: CREDITS: PREREQUISITE: DAYS OFFERED: TIMINGS: INSTRUCTOR: CONTACT EMAIL: OFFICE: TELEPHONE: CONSULTATION HOURS: MBA Evening Fall 2011 Core 3 MKT 501 – Marketing Management Mondays and Thursdays (inclusive) 6:00 pm – 7:40 pm Dr. Huma Amir Room # 302, Administration Block, Main Campus 0092 21 111 422 422 Ext. 305; IP #2631 On appointment
“Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge”
Khalil Gibran
Well-thought-out business decisions require a thorough understanding of all stakeholders of the business, and the environment surrounding it. This course is designed to equip students with the essential tools of research which forms the basis of sound decision-making. Through an applied approach using real case studies and a semester-long research project, supplemented by classroom discussions and presentations, students gain knowledge of how a business issue is converted into a research problem and what approach is used to bring out the most appropriate alternatives within a given situation. Understanding of basic and advance techniques of business research enhances analytical capabilities and grounds decisions in logical and factual information.
By the end of the semester the students will be equipped with research methods that can be used in most business, and other social related, research and will be able to: 1
Differentiate alternative research epistemologies and their appropriate use based on research issue; Convert a managerial issue into a research problem; Explain research and its components and design a blue print of proposed research process; Understand various research methodologies and be able to adopt the one that is most relevant to each research problem; Develop a research instrument based on the research methodology; Conduct fieldwork in a systematic and scientific manner in accordance with the research methodology; Understand and apply advanced qualitative and/or quantitative research tools to interpret data collected during fieldwork in order to solve business problems; Provide logical, relevant, and comprehensive information for decision-making; and, in addition Equip themselves with the analytical skills necessary for other advanced business courses.
A case-based approach to learning is used in this course where theory and concepts will emerge from discussing real business scenerios. A student-based learning approach is utilised where case-discussion participants are encouraged to put forth their ideas and suggestions based on the reading materials and their own best judgement. Quantitive theory is reinforced through case and text book exercises.
Text Book “Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation” by Naresh K. Malhotra & Satyabhushan Dash, 6th Edition. Recommended Readings for Reference Bryman, A. & Bell, E. (2007). Business Research Methods, USA: Oxford University Press Cavana, R. Y., Delahaye, B. L. & Uma Sekaran (2001). Applied Business Research: Qualitative and Quantitative, Australia: John Wiley & Sons Zikmund, W. G. (2003). Business Research Methods. USA: Thomson Southwestern Revelant Journals (This list is not exhaustive) Journal of Marketing Research International Journal of Research in Marketing Journal of International Business Studies International Marketing Review Journal of Marketing Management 2
Industrial Marketing Management European Journal of Marketing Journal of Consumer Research Journal of Marketing Journal of Consumer Marketing
Session Case Topic / Class Activity Suggested Reading
Running Case With Real Introduction – Course introduction, course Data: Dell Direct. An outline, methodology, assessment, group formation & allocation of work load. Introduction Introduction to Marketing Research Defining the Marketing Research Problem & Developing an Approach ***Academic Writing Presentations*** Pillsbury Cookie Challenge Research Design Exploratory Research Design: Secondary Data Exploratory Research Design: Qualitative Research Zeinth: Marketing Research for High Definition Television (HDTV) ***Focus Group Presentations*** Descriptive Research Design: Survey & Observation Causal Research Design: Experimentation ***Research Design Presentations*** Measurement & Scaling: Fundamentals & Comparative Scaling Measurement & Scaling: Non-comparative Scaling Techniques Ad-Lider Embalagens, SA: Marketing Research for Drawstring Trash Bags in Brazil Questionnaire & Form Design ***Research Instrument Presentations***
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Topic / Class Activity
Suggested Reading
14 TrueEarth Healthy Foods: Market Research for a new Product Introduction
Sampling: Design and Procedure Sampling: Final & Initial Sample Size Determination
11 12
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dell Running Case Dell Running Case Dell Running Case
***Sampling Design Presentations*** Field Work Data Preparation Frequency Distribution, Cross Tabulation & Hypothesis Testing Analysis of Variance and Covariance ***Inference Presentations*** Correlation and Regression Factor Analysis Cluster Analysis Multidimensional scaling & Conjoint Analysis ***Applied Research Project Presentations*** 17 19 20 13 14 15 16
Punctuality and Attendance The IBA rules for punctuality and attendance will be strictly adhered to in this class. Anyone entering the class after five minutes of commencement will be marked absent. All group members are expected to be present on their presentation day. Failing to do so will result in a ‘zero’ grade for the absentee. Students are responsible for completing all quizzes and no compensation will be made for absentees on a quiz day. All assignments and reports are to be submitted on their due date and no exceptions will be made.
Class Preparation Students are expected to read all material assigned for a particular session. This includes the chapters from the text and the assigned case. You need to be well prepared on a topic in order to participate gainfully in the case discussion. Class Participation Case-study method of teaching is highly student-centric therefore class participation is essential. A record will be maintained of every student’s role in case solving and class participation marks will be based on each student’s contribution and the relevance and usefulness of that contribution. Whereas positive and constructive criticism of others’ viewpoints is welcomed, all negative behavior including cynicism, sarcasm, and abusing is not only discouraged but may result in negative marking.
Grading plan for the course will be as follows Class Participation Essentials of Academic Writing Research Project Focus Group Presentation …………. Research Design Presentation ……... Research Instrument Presentation … Sampling Design Presentation …….. Inferential Analysis Presentation ..… Written Report…………………….... Quizzes Mid Term Exam Final Exam Total 10% 05% 35% 05% 05% 05% 05% 05% 10% 10% 20% 20% 100%
Essentials of Academic Writing The purpose of this individual assignment is to create awareness of important issues involved in all research, be it applied or theoretical, business or academic. Topics relating to plagiarism, citation, and formatting are given special attention. Details of the assignment will be handed out on day one of the course. 5
Research Project The purpose of this group assignment is to apply the theories and tools of research learned in the course to a real business situation. Students will work on this group assignment throughout the semester. Groups will not exceed five members and will not be less than three members in all. Students are encouraged to suggest topics for their research but a topic will not be finalized without the instructor’s approval. The project will be carried out in six short modules in order to provide system and scientific methodology to the process. Each module will be completed and submitted on the assigned date. Exploratory Research Research Design Research Instrument Sampling Design Inferential Analysis Project Completion 6th session 9th session 13th session 16th session 20th session 28th session
Quizzes Class quizzes will be held unannounced and may be as few as one or as many as the situation demands but the final quiz grade will be totalled to 10%. Examinations Mid-term and final exams are case-based and designed to test students’ knowledge and understanding of the concepts learned in the course and their ability to identify and utilize the tools and techniques of business research applicable in the given situations.
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions."
Naguib Mahfouz