Promotional Strategy: The promotional strategy will depend on the four elements of the promotional mix. According to Lamb, et al., (2012), a company’s promotional strategy is their use of the elements of promotion: advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion. (p. 249). The prototype will be marketed to persuade and convince consumers of the advantage of purchasing the new product from Levis Strauss. Levis Strauss will advertise through social media, celebrity influence, fashion events, internet marketing, and television commercials.
Promotional Goals: The promotional goal of the prototype from Levis Strauss is to bring the same long-lasting comfortable quality to larger women of size. This can be accomplished by using the AIDA concept, an acronym which stands for attention, interest, desire, and action (Lamb et al., 2012). Levis will use the AIDA concept via advertising, personal selling, and sales promotion. Personal selling of the prototype will occur through demonstrations set up in different retail partner locations that will grant the consumers to see first-hand if this will be the best product for them. Consumers will be able to fit into a pair of jeans and then if they like them, they can be one of the first to purchase the prototype. The prototype will also be gifted to certain plus sized celebrities that will be able to reach a certain group of women through various entertainment channels such as printed magazines, television shows, television interviews, etc.
Factors Affecting the Promotion Mix: There are several factors that may impact the promotion strategy for the prototype from Levis Strauss. These factors include the product lifecycle, target market characteristics, and the pull strategy.
Product Lifecycle. Levis Strauss has experience in their products lifecycles and with the aid of the promotion strategy the prototype is expected to remain on
References: Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., & McDaniel, C. (2012). MKTG5. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage.