Firstly is the “Marketing Mix” aspect, specifically the 4 P’s framework – Product, Pricing, Placing & Promotion. The 4 P’s is one of the best known frameworks for a marketing plan, of which the aim is ultimately to fulfil a basic marketing purpose – Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, and at the right time. Getting all aspects of this framework is of paramount importance. Miscalculating one could result in disastrous consequences, for example you could be promoting a revolutionary diet plan in a country hit by famine or publishing a textbook after school term has started.
In the process of brainstorming for a product, some innovative ideas were eliminated due to the fact that they were deemed unsuitable for the Singapore market. One such example is the ostrich pillow1, a nifty headgear for people to catch a comfy nap anytime, anywhere. Due to its odd shape and Singapore’s conservative culture, we decided that the market might not open up to the idea. The Product itself was good, but the Promotional strategy would encounter difficulties.
One of the other teams did their project on space-saving furniture. The end result was that one convertible table/couch would cost upwards of $2000. This is a potential mismatch between Product and Pricing strategies, as the average consumer who could afford such prices would unlikely be living in a house that requires space-saving technology.
The Pricing aspect by itself also proved to be extremely interesting, as everyone’s project seemed to unanimously adopt a value-based pricing strategy. So then, what of cost-based pricing? Is it
Bibliography: AsiaOne. (2011, September 27). AsiaOne News. Retrieved April 17, 2013, from Science and Tech: Ettenson, R., Conrado, E., & Knowles, J FAO, UN. (2012, Feburary 5). FAO Corporate Document Repository. Retrieved April 17, 2013, from Marketing Strategy, Planning and Control: Gandhi, R Mind Tools Ltd. (2011, Dec 12). The Marketing Mix and 4 Ps. Retrieved April 15, 2013, from Mind Tools Website: Senic, N Serwer, A. (2012, December 3). Steve Jobs vs. Sam Walton : Tale of the Tape. Fortune, pp. 59-64. Tan, R. (2012, October 9). Flamingo Singapore. Retrieved April 17, 2013, from Facebook marketing: A case study on Scoot: UNESCO Woodward, R. (2011, October 1). Bright Hub PM. Retrieved April 17, 2013, from Project Planning: Appendix A