Hidden Empire
Three digital engines to reshape and dominate retail
Amazon.com: a digital shop around the corner…
… and a digital colossus.
Did you know: all these companies belong to Amazon…
Did you know: Amazon is also…
AmazonBasics Amazon-branded electronic products
AmazonFresh sells and delivers groceries in Seattle
AmazonStudios online social movie studio
Amazon WarehouseDeals offers discounts on refurbished products
Did you know: Amazon has had one of the fastest growths in the Internet’s history…
Revenues reached within first 5 years $2,8 bn
$1,5 bn
$0,4 bn
Amazon and eBay results from 1995 to 2000, Google from 1998 to 2003. Even though Zynga and Groupon appear to have an even quicker growth, they haven‟t been compared because 1- sales have not been officially disclosed 2- they haven‟t reach their fifth year
Did you know: Amazon Web Services drives these companies…
Did you know: Amazon.com is a giant…
Y/Y growth for Q1 2011 +38% Market cap $90 bn Customers 137 m
3 × growth of 2 × market cap 2 × # customers
E-commerce market
Employees 33,700
Annual revenue $34 bn Internet traffic rank 16th Retail brand 1st Paid out $1.2 bn
15 × more than
16% more than before before to buy
Source: Amazon.com, Alexa, Brandz. Market capitalization as of April 2011.
Why? A vision…
From 1994, Jeff Bezos knew he could create a retail website that would not have the limitations physical businesses encounter.
“You could build a store online that simply could not exist in any other way. You could build a true superstore with exhaustive selection; and customers value selection.” Jeff Bezos
… served by great execution & innovation
Digital Engine: A digital lever providing a significant advantage to outperform one 's competitors
High fixed and variable costs No real-time metrics Slow innovation process Limited reach Limited space Slow inventory turnover