
Marketing and Customer Survey Score

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Marketing and Customer Survey Score

® Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

Introduction 1
1.1 The Industry Conditions Report 1 1.2 Management Tools 1 1.3 Company Departments 2 1.4 Inter-Department Coordination 3 1.5 Practice and Competition Rounds 3 1.6 Company Success 3

8 Plug-Ins 21
8.1 Corporate Responsibility and Ethics 21

9 Situation Analysis 21 10 Forecasting 22
10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Basic Forecasting Method 22 Qualitative Assessment 22 Forecasts, Proformas and the Worst Case / Best Case 23

2 Industry Conditions 3
2.1 Buying Criteria 3 2.2 Buying Criteria by Segment 5

3 The Customer Survey Score 5
3.1 Buying Criteria and the Customer Survey Score 6 3.2 Estimating the Customer Survey Score 8 3.3 Stock Outs and Seller’s Market 9

December 31 Cash Position 23

11 Balanced Scorecard 23
11.1 uiding Your Company G 23

4 Managing Your Company 9
4.1 Research & Development (R&D) 10 4.2 Marketing 4.4 Finance 15 11 4.3 Production 13

12 Six Basic Strategies 24
Broad Cost Leader 24 Broad Differentiation 24 Niche Cost Leader (Low Technology) 24 Niche Differentiation (High Technology) 24 Cost Leader with Product Lifecycle Focus 24 24 Differentiation with Product Lifecycle Focus

5 The Capstone Courier 17
5.1 Front Page 17 5.2 Stock & Bond Summaries 17 5.3 Financial Statements 17 5.4 Production Analysis 17 5.5 Segment Analysis Reports 8 1 5.6 Market Share Report 19 5.7 Perceptual Map 19 5.8 Other Reports 19

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6 Proformas and Annual Reports 19
6.1 Balance Sheet 19 6.2 Cash Flow Statement 20 6.3 Income Statement 20

7 Additional Modules 20
7.1 TQM/Sustainability 20 7.2 HR (Human Resources) 20


Management Tools

1 Introduction

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