Discussing the Concepts
1. Discuss how retailers and wholesalers add value to the marketing system. Explain why marketers are embracing the concept of shopper marketing. (AACSB: Communication;
Reflective Thinking)
2. Discuss the factors used to classify retail establishments and list the types within each classification. (AASCB:
3. List and briefly discuss the trends impacting the future of retailing. (AACSB: Communication)
4. Suppose you are a manufacturer’s agent for three lines of complementary women’s apparel. Discuss the types of marketing mix decisions you will make. (AACSB:
Communication; Reflective Thinking)
5. Discuss the different organizational approaches for retailers and provide an example of each. (AACSB: Communication;
Reflective Thinking)
6. What is retail convergence? Has it helped or harmed small retailers? (AACSB: Communication; Reflective Thinking)
Applying the Concepts
1. The atmosphere in a retail store is carefully crafted to influence shoppers. Select a retailer with both a physical store and an online store. Describe the elements of the physical store’s atmosphere, such as coloring, lighting, music, scents, and décor. What image is the store’s atmosphere projecting?
Is the atmosphere appropriate given the store’s merchandise assortment and target market? Which elements of the physical store’s atmosphere are in the online store’s atmosphere? Does the retailer integrate the physical store’s atmosphere with its online presence? Explain. (AACSB:
Communication; Use of IT; Reflective Thinking)
2. Shop for a product of your choice on Amazon.com. Do consumer reviews influence your perception of a product or brand offered? Consumers participating in the Amazon Vine
Program submit many of the product reviews found on
Amazon.com. Learn about this program and discuss whether or not a review from a consumer in this program is more useful than a review from a