Discuss how the Macro-environment can affect an organisations marketing approach. Use examples of companies who produce white goods to illustrate your points.
The Macro-environment, factors outside of a firms control, have a major affect on a firms marketing approach and as a cause, these factors outside the firms control are harder to monitor, some of the factors are unpredictable and restricting. To over come this firm sets its marketing approach, also known as the Four P 's (appendix 1); around the Macro-environment to ensure that a firm 's product is an overall success. The Four P 's approach has been criticized arguing, "That they do not take sufficient account of people, process and physical evidence." This therefore questions the reliability of the approach. In relation to the Macro-environment, a firm is able to do a PEST analysis of the factors to see how these will affect the business and its product. This essay will consider the white goods market and how the Macro-environment affects its marketing approach. The table (appendix 1.1), highlights the PEST factors that affect the white goods marketing approach. Some are more relevant than others when looking at the white goods market. White goods are also known as durable goods. Goods of this nature "require more personal selling and support." Therefore the marketing of such goods is paramount to ensure successful sales. Precise marketing is often time consuming and costly but also rewarding if businesses aims are achieved. Research into the white goods market shows that, " since 1997, the market has been robust and benefited from a strong economy, due to high levels of personal disposable income and an active housing market with few windfalls." This therefore emphasizes that when considering PEST analysis the economy is an important aspect when considering a marketing approach in the white goods market. The political issues are not necessarily the most