Th e R e port Pr epa re d b y, CM /20 05/ 183 L. H. S. R a nat hun ga
Su bj ec t: St rat eg ic Ma rk et in g Ma na ge men t (B MKT 3 2054 ) Le ct ur er: Mr . Aj it h P. Med is nd Se me ste r: 3rd Ye a r 2nd Se me ste r, 2 009
Department of Marketing Management University of Kelaniya
This assignment was prepared for the purpose of getting the understanding about marketing audit and its important part is concerned. I’m really grateful to our Strategic Marketing Management Lecture Mr. Ajith P. Medis for giving advice for this assignment. As well as I thank to all those who helped in the preparation of this assignment.
Thank you for all.
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Acknowledgment Introduction Introduction to Marketing Audit Components of Marketing Audit Marketing Environmental Audit Marketing Strategy Audit Marketing Organization Audit Marketing System Audit Marketing Productivity Audit Marketing Functions Audit Tools and Techniques of Marketing Audit SWOT Analyses PEST Analyses Five Forces Analyses The Marketing Audit Process Where to focus Company Marketing Efforts References 02 03 06 06 07 08 08 09 09 10 10 14 17 20 21 23
The Marketing Audit
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This assignment is focused on to understand the meaning of marketing audit and some relating parts. In this assignment has been included components of marketing audit, tools and techniques that used by marketing audit, marketing audit process and the part that focus on marketing effort for where. The first part is introduction to marketing audit, here discuss about the marketing audit and its characteristics and benefits and advantages that can be obtained by performing a marketing audit. The next part is components of marketing audit, there are six components under marketing audit such as marketing environmental audit, marketing system audit, marketing strategy audit, marketing organization audit,