IMC Company Ltd was incorporated in New York. The Company will be five years since its inception in August 2014. Built on a strong automotive back ground of its founders, Mr. John Peace and Sir Henry Fayol, it has managed to cut a niche in both motor vehicle sales and service businesses. Today, IMC Ltd holds over one thousand five hundred fleet of different makes of vehicles in its yards available for sale with a yearly turnover of over USD 1 billion.
The journey towards creation of this successful enterprise begun when the founders then working for General Motors as service and motor assembly engineers decided to quit employment to pursue their childhood dreams of being engineers in their own firms. The duo used the amount they had been paid as ex-gratia to register a company and later on takeover a small garage located by the road side in the South Western part of New York City.
IMC Ltd is a specialized automotive company whose main business is to assemble cars and sell them to the customers. The Company has entered into a pact to act as an agent for Mitsubishi and Nissan to assemble Nissan G35 make and Mitsubishi eclipse where the principals would supply the required materials at a discount. Similarly, the Company undertakes repair business of all types of vehicles as well as sell spare parts. These products and services are specialized to only the two types of vehicles but diversified in the nature in which the services are complimenting each other for a profitable business. The Company deals in both new and used cars targeting both the high end customers and companies as well as middle class customers in the economy.
The automotive industry in New York is competitive with a lot of large and small scale players competing for the same customers. Among the largest dealers are Hillside Auto Mall Inc, Toyota Manhattan and Mercedes-Benz. These competitors are mainly large scale and customers perceive their prices to be too high