Häagen-Dazs is a company, which has its early origin dating back to 1920 when the family of the founder Reuben Mattus started selling the fruit ice cream in Bronx, New York. Further, in 1960s Reuben Mattus together with his wife established the brand of finest ice- cream named Häagen-Dazs. The name meant to make an impression on the American people to have the Scandinavian origin, however in fact it was not a case, as the brand name does not carry any meaning. These tactics was used by Reuben to attract customers in the USA by making them believe that the product has a European quality. ( Wikia, 2016)
During its first years, the company proposed only three flavors namely: vanilla, coffee and chocolate. Reuben’s unique idea about its product was to make the finest, high quality ice cream. To make it …show more content…
Company’s current situation in the market
Haagen-Dazs was the third ranked ice-cream brand of the United States with about $382m worth of sales for the year ending January 2015. It is clear to see that Haagen Dazs have several close competitors with not one company controlling the market. Total sales in the ice cream industry amounted to over $5bn. (Statista, 2016)
General Mills, Haagen Daz’s parent company, said that it would be investing $100m in cleaner energy and greater efficiency, working with suppliers to boost the adoption of more sustainable agricultural practices and altering packaging. They hope to cut their greenhouse gases emissions across their global value chain by 28% over the next ten years against a 2010 baseline.
In the financial year to 31 May 2015 General Mills, worth $34.5 billion (£22.7 billion), made operating profits of $3.035 billion (£1.996 billion) on global sales of $17.63 billion (£11.597 billion) (Cips.org,