In 2013 early summer, the Justice League is going to launch a movie of superheroes; just two weeks after the movie, the video game of superheroes will be released by the Warner Brothers Entertainment through Sony Play station and Microsoft. I am one of the Warner Brothers Entertainment marketing department members and my group is working on the video games project.
1. Framework of Market Segmentation and target marketing
In the video games project, we take geographic segmentation as the most import part to consider; especially for the location of delivery. The video games can only run by Sony Play station or Microsoft Xbox consoles, which are considered as one of those high technology products. Following with the areas which Sony Play station or Xbox consoles are sold; the video game project mainly focus mainly on urban areas or international cities in Asia, North America, Europe and Latin America.
For Demographic segmentation, we only consider age. According to the project, one video game is prepared for young children under 12. Another game is prepare for teenage; we can also employ positive images and appeals of the superheroes games to mature consumers according to Kotler Philip and Gary Armstrong (2012), we have to guard against stereotypes when consider age segmentation. Even adult may want to play video games with their kids at home.
Kotler Philip and Gary Armstrong also state that a neglected gender segment can offer new opportunities in consumer electronic market. When the games are categorized as action adventure, besides targeting a video game market of male, we also hope that woman can enjoy the excitement with the game. Then, we can offer the product to more target customers.
Educational level, occupation, social class, ethnicity and income are not important to be analyzed within this project when kids and teenagers are our target audience. According to Kotler Philip and Gary Armstrong(2012) children may have strong influence