Iberia’s mission is to offer air transport, airport services and aircraft maintenance services that come up to our customers’ expectations and create sustainable economic and social value. Iberia aims to be leader in customer satisfaction, innovation and economic and social performance. Iberia’s values are; focus on customers, creation of value, search for excellence in management, social commitment, importance of people, leadership, teamwork, constant improvement, adaption to change and innovation. The communication objective for the created plan is to minimize the existing gap between the perception of the brand image in Spain and the Netherlands. The focus lies solely on business people whom fly on a regular basis to Barcelona from Amsterdam Schiphol airport and vice versa. Through this two-year communication plan, Iberia aims to attract new and more business passengers. The marketing objective is to attract more business passengers, increase brand awareness and improve Iberia’s brand image in the Netherlands. Advertising, direct marketing and public relations will be used for Iberia’s marketing. The media tools that are part of the communication plan are several Dutch business magazines, online ads on social media and e-mails. Iberia’s value proposition is a reliable and punctual airline with excellent customer service at a relatively low price. All communication will be done in a professional and clear manner. The total budget for the years 2013 and 2014 is €310.364. The budget consists of advertising costs, employee costs and sponsorship costs. The main indicators for measurement of effectiveness are; sales revenue for flights between Amsterdam and Barcelona, customer surveys and the number of visitors of Iberia.com/business.
As part of the Marketing Communications course at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, this Marketing Communication Plan for Iberia is written to attract potential customers in the
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