Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempts to inform, persuade and remind consumers directly or indirectly about the products and brands that they sell. It represents the voice of the brand and are a means by which it can establish a dialogue and build relationships with consumers. The marketing communications mix consists of advertising, sales, promotion, public relations and publicity, personal selling, events and experiences and direct marketing.
TOYOTA, a first class global car manufacturing company, with headquarters in JAPAN is our focus in this discourse and we assume that the organisation is considering the adoption of a more customer focused business strategy. Consumers can be told or show how and why a product is sued, by what kind of person, and where and when, consumers can also team about TOYOTA who makes the product and what the firm and the brand stand for and consumers can be given an incentive or reward for trial for usage.
A customer focused business strategy centres on the customer who is the KING in marketing. Micromodels of marketing communications concentrate on consumers’ specific responses to communications. All these models assume that the buyer passes through a congnitive, affective and behavioural stage. This learn feel do sequence is appropriate when the audience has high involvement with a product category perceived to have high differentiation, as in buying a vehcile like TOYOTA. The role that marketing communication is required to currently fulfil within TOYOTA can be set at any level of the hierachy of effects model. Rossier and per cey identify four possible objectives viz: (a) Category need (b) brand awareness ( c) brand attitude and (b) Brand purchase intention.
(a) Category need: A new to the world product such as a new model of TOYOTA would always begin with a communication objective of establishing category need. In addition, as TOYOTA seeks to establishing category its
References: • Don E. Shultz, Stanley I. Tannenbaum, and Robert F. Lauterborn, Integrated Marketing Communications: Puytting it together and Making it work ( Lincolnwood, IL:NTC Business Books, 1992) • Maxwell Ule, “ A Media Plan for “Sputnik Cigarettes”, How to Plan Media Strategy (American Association of Advertising Agencies 1957 Regional Convention, pp 41-52). • PhilipKotler and Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management, 12th Edition, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458,pp 536-563. • •Roland T. Trust, Advertising Media Models: A Practical Guide. (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986).