The majority of marketing only exposes our desires to purchase; it does not create those desires. A greenhouse of discontent has been fertilized by hungry corporations and advertising agencies over several years causing our desires to shift and bend. But they are still our desires and acted upon by us. This could wander into the debate of whether marketing determines wants, or whether our wants determine marketing. However, staying on point that marketing forces us to buy unwanted or unneeded things is to say we are mindless and do not have free will. While I find myself saying, “Wow. That gadget would be great to have.” I also find myself too tight to buy it. Personality and buying habits learned as kids are probably a larger factor in people buying unwanted or unneeded items.
Marketing at its best simply causes us to either consciously realize a need or want and then provides us with the method of satisfaction. It helps one company’s product or service to be thought of above another’s.
Marketing at its worst gives us a chuckle or makes us puzzle, but is gone with the next
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