Question reviews:
1: Why do hospitality firms need to advertise? What factors should be considered when planning an advertising strategy?
Hospitalities firms advertise for a number of reasons:
Advertise reach a vast audience.
Advertising is relatively inexpensive.
Advertising prompts audience response
Advertising demonstrate competiveness
2: what types of media are available for print advertising, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each type?
Print advertising:
A. Newspaper:
B. Magazines:
C. Directories:
4: what high-tech advertising options can be used with traditional methods, and what target markets can be most effectively reach with each?
5: why is direct email considered an effective way to reach prospects? What factors should be considered to make the most of direct mail campaign?
6: what are types of outdoors advertising and what role does each play in promoting awareness of hospitality firms?
7: what are the types of collateral material hospitality firm use, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
8: what methods do hospitality firms use to monitor the effectiveness of advertising?
9: what is the difference between advertising, public relation, and publicity? Why is it necessary to have separate strategies for each?
10: how can lodging property or restaurant maintain good press relation, and how can hospitality firms counteract negative publicity?
Chapter 8
1: what are some of the prime considerations of business travelers in choosing a hotel?
2: what are the three distinct groups of frequent business travelers and how are properties meeting their needs?
3: what factors are important to women business travelers and how are properties meeting their needs?
4: what types of amenities are usually included in a stay on an executive or business floor? What other types of amenities are expected by business travelers?
5: why are all-suite/extended-stay properties increasing in popularity? How do