We would like to acknowledge Dr. Yusof bin Ahmad, our Marketing Management lecturer. Without his guidance, we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this project on time. Thank you so much.
To our group members, we would like to appreciate each other for the co-operation, dedication and hard work throughout the course of this project. It has certainly been an amazing journey working together.
Lastly, but certainly not the least, we would like to express our gratitude to members of the public, specifically the respondents of our survey questions. Your answers has given us invaluable insight into completing this project.
Vim & Vigor is the brainwave of a group of Marketing Management students pursuing either the MBA (Masters of Business Administration) or MEM (Masters of Engineering Management) course in Universiti Tenaga Nasional, under the tutelage of Dr Yusof bin Ahmad.
The name Vim & Vigor was coined during our brainstorming sessions. The dictionary defines Vim & Vigor as ebullient vitality and energy, a