Written by
Pu Di
Student number: 2072208
Date: 4th December 2013
University of Glasgow
In these times of increased competition and constantly shrinking budgets, why should a company continuously invest in seeking the most effective marketing strategy that it can develop? The main answer comes from the high profitability that marketing mix tactics brings about. A market-driven strategy allows a company to truly understand its marketing environment and customers, which are the basis of the market (Leventhal, 2005). Through the development of a marketing mix orientation, an organization determines its competitive positioning to match the needs of the customers with company capabilities, this effort enables an organization to get a more effective integration of all elements that may influence customer value, which in turn affects both return on company’s investment and profitability. Meanwhile, the different elements of marketing mix interrelate with each other to deliver satisfaction to the customers and success for the organization.
Take the world famous luxury watch brand Breitling for example, studying about positioning will be focused on marketing mix 4P’s of product, price, place and promotion. This essay first identifies the background and current position of Breitling watches. The second part is the analysis about how various elements of the marketing mix are being used to achieve Breitling’s positioning and relationships between these elements. The last section will summarize the main points and draw a conclusion. The marketing concepts discussed have been sourced from the course lecture of Marketing Management. Material on Breitling is drawn from the company website (www.Bretling.com).
References: Brassington, F, Pettitt, S (2013) Essentials of Marketing, 3rd Ed, Pearson Education Ltd, Essex Breitling (2013) [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 24 November 2013] Leventhal, R (2005) Importance of Marketing, Strategy Direction, Vol. 21, No. 6, 4 Omega (2013) [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 24 November 2013] Pradeep, K (2010) Response Modeling with Nonrandom Marketing-Mix Variables, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XLI, November, 467-479