Product - Quality
To see JCBs ability in producing good quality products, clients need only look at their history and achievements - JCB are the largest manufacture of backhoe loaders inEurope which has been in manufacture for over 51 years, which in itself is testamentto the quality and success of their product. Also focusing on JCBs attitude towardsquality rather than quantity is their website which states they do not aim to be thelargest manufacturer of commercial/industrial, agricultural and material handlingequipment, but the best. Marketing in this way by aiming to be the best would influentprospective clients, helping to increase sales and therefore increase the size of thecompany. Advertising an aim of wanting to be the largest manufacture would have noimpact on sales, as this aim would be an achievement of the company, and notperceived as any benefit to prospective clients.
Product - Range
Another element of the marketing mix is the product range. After developing a bestseller, the 3C backhoe loader, JCB knew it would need more than one successfulproduct to sustain its growth, and so JCBs product range has grown from just one to between nine and thirteen product types, with130 to 160 different models. This is anindication of how committed JCB are to new development, which has lead to the widedepth of products we now see today. So not only do JCB promote quality, but have a good range of products for clients to choose from. This also shows how forward looking the company is, by looking for gaps in the market place and listening to whatcustomers need. JCB have recently announced in a network