Marketing objectives and marketing strategy
Marketing objectives should show the way to sales. If not, the company needs to set dissimilar advertising objectives. The objectives should be transparent, able to be gauge, and have an affirmed instance of structure for accomplishment. To increase product awareness among the target audience is an important objective. Bath and Body works has to diminish or eradicate possible customers’ opposition to purchasing the item for consumption. If you [Eliminate second person (you, your) in academic documents and avoid addressing the reader directly. Prefer third-person pronouns (he, she, they, it)] have several objectives create positively that they are dependable and will not disagree with one another. The advertising strategy of the arrangement outlines the competition preparation to accomplish selling objectives. The approach is the mind of the arrangement (Etzel 1974 [Place comma after
References: Lance, K. (2010, Oct). Journal of marketing. , [Punctuation: Avoid leaving a space before a comma] 2( [Write out numbers under 10] 2), 44-53 Kotler, P., & Keller, k. L. (2007). Framework for marketing management (3rd ed.). Upper saddler river, NJ:. Burkeimanan, C. (1974, Oct). Journal of marketing. , [Punctuation: Avoid leaving a space before a comma] 21(4), 47-55.