The meaty flesh of a mango fruit is sweet, but the fruit 's pit is so large and hard. Ripe mangoes are fragrant and soft to the touch, but not mushy.
Mangoes can be processed into a number of unique products such as dried mangoes, puree, juice, chutney, halves and scoops, jelly jams, and pickles. A uniform quality and an adequate supply are assured throughout the year through processing. Processed mangoes enable exporters to serve their markets even during off season period for fresh mangoes. Also, exporters can penetrate buying countries with strict phytosanitary requirements by supplying processed mangoes.
The distinct taste and nutritional value of Guimaras mango variety puts it above any other mango in the world. Mango is one of the priority crops being supported by the major programs of the Department of Agriculture (DA); Mangoes are included among the high value crops to be given priority under the High Value Crop Law.
Distribution is an exceptionally important phase in the marketing of mangoes. The fruit after harvest has to pass through several agencies before reaching the consumers.
The Philippines has already established its credibility in supplying high quality mangoes to important markets especially to the United States.
The recent organization of the Philippine Mango Development Council provided the impulsion to unite the key players of the industry into a single advocacy group that will work together for the sustainable development of the Philippine Mango Industry.
One of man’s greatest triumphs in the cultivating of wild plants is the cultivated mango. Centuries of cultivation and selection produced a luscious fruit. Many varieties are grown in different countries. Here in the Philipines, Guimaras is known as the “Mango Country”, gaining the name because of its sweetest and big-sized
References: Kotler, P. 1980. Marketing Management. New Jersey: A Simon & Schuster Company Compton’s Encyclopedia Leovelyn Hope B. Parreño February 26, 2010 BSBM 4/ SOCIO 01 Mr