Sal Rosace
Marketing has developed into an onslaught of clutter unavoidable in today’s society. The majority of people that live in our culture see advertisements as endless and unavoidable nuances that they must endure day in and day out. Consequently, the people in the businesses of marketing and advertising are feeling a sense of urgency to revolutionize the industry and bring back its relevancy and effectiveness now more than ever before. We live in a country which has a marketplace that is competitive and a marketing industry that is constantly evolving. Innovative new ideas are rapidly being devised by dedicated marketers all the time. Many marketing techniques prove to be failures due to the incessant and continuous resistance of the consumers. In order to successfully market a new product, it is imperative that the product possesses something beyond the brand. This could be something as simple as a relatable story at the foundation of the brand, or just an additional value. In the today’s world, there is a virtually endless amount of options for nearly every product that can be purchased in the marketplace. Additionally, the differences of quality among similar products are sometimes very difficult to detect. Businesses are frequently finding success by utilizing a brand name that consumers come to know and rely on. These businesses use repetitive and overwhelming advertising in order to etch the name of their brand into the mind of the consumers. The art of persuasion requires refined methods that fortify an emotional bond between consumers and a brand name. Because of tools like DVR that allow consumers to avoid unwanted advertisements such as commercials, marketers are forced to conquer the challenge. The cleverest of persuaders have conceived innovative ideas such as product placement that allow them to cut through mass-media clutter. This latest trend in advertising is referred to as “branded entertainment.”