Submitted to: Prof. Angelo Alfonso Abejero
Market Analysis
* Demographic/Population Developments
An estimated 180 million of the World’s population are visually disabled. The 3rd.Philippine National Survey of Blindness conducted last year showed that about 3,500,000 (4.62%) Filipinos are visually impaired in one or both eyes. They are either afflicted with bilateral low vision (1.64%), monocular low vision (1.33%), monocular blindness (1.07%), or bilateral blindness (0.58%).
The highest ratio of people wearing glasses is in their 20s but only 17% wears glasses.
Metrosexuals are slowly becoming good potential market because of their buying capabilities as well as their purchasing power and their growing population. Close to four out of five consumers can be considered a part of the metrosexual segment, spending more time and money on looking good than any average male. In the Philippines, about 84% of the male population is mindful of their physical appearances. The table below shows the population of males that are relevant for the product to be introduced along with the possible population growth in the coming years.
Total Philippine Male Population by Age: 1990-2015 (in thousands) | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 | 2015 | 0-4 yrs | 4,530 | 4,813 | 4,956 | 5,007 | 4,990 | 5,000 | 5-9 yrs | 4,119 | 4,527 | 4,888 | 5,107 | 5,117 | 5,003 | 10-14 yrs | 3,736 | 4,111 | 4,527 | 4,920 | 5,104 | 5,038 | 15-19 yrs | 3,327 | 3,675 | 4,030 | 4,405 | 4,771 | 4,884 | 20-24 yrs | 2,911 | 3,202 | 3,532 | 3,865 | 4,213 | 4,529 | 25-29 yrs | 2,555 | 2,836 | 3,102 | 3,392 | 3,701 | 4,009 | 30-34 yrs | 2,169 | 2,486 | 2,791 | 3,059 | 3,336 | 3,619 | 35-39 yrs | 1,807