Lê Khắc Mẫn
Nguyễn Thành Long
Lê Tự Quốc Hưng
Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Lan
Phạm Trần Phương Ngân
Nguyễn Huỳnh Thảo Ngân
Nguyễn Thị Diễm Trinh
Priciples of Marketing
January 14, 2014
PhD. Nguyễn Thị Mai Trang
Executive Summary
This paper inform about the marketing plan for the Zero Degree Green Tea (ZDGT) product of Tan Hiep Phat (THP) - a beverage company founded in 1994. The company aim to become a leader in producing soft drink with variety of brands.
Marketing Environment THP owns a modern production line and performs very well in managing quality with international standard such as ISO, and others. Moreover, they have invested significantly in research and development. One of the important strengths of the company is that they have a strong distribution system.
THP also has some limitations. The company has only one factory which cannot provide enough products to the market. In addition, the customer service of the company underperform is another disadvantage. The limited liability company is going to develop to join-stock company for its benefit of such organizational structure. The weather of Vietnam creates a great opportunities for the support of tea. Therefore, THP has a large number of supporters. Moreover, the development of technology fosters the communication between customers and producer more easily and inexpensively. Although there are great opportunities, THP is suffering from competitive pressure. While the direct competitor - C2 has dominated a large proportion of market, there are so many substitute products for consumers to choose for the same need. Furthermore, the unstable economy has made some impact on the input and purchase process.
Target Market
The target market of Zero Degree Green Tea is Vietnamese young adults who account for a large proportion of population in Vietnam. Zero Degree Green Tea aims to be a convenient drink that is good for health and has
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