Jis Kuruvilla
* S3409541 – Tran Dien Han * S3324301 – Ngo Thien Hung * S3393301 – Phan Hong Anh * S3345219 – Nguyen Kim Ha * S3358195 – Nguyen Nu Hang Nga * S3324155 – Le Nguyen Hanh An
Jis Kuruvilla
* S3409541 – Tran Dien Han * S3324301 – Ngo Thien Hung * S3393301 – Phan Hong Anh * S3345219 – Nguyen Kim Ha * S3358195 – Nguyen Nu Hang Nga * S3324155 – Le Nguyen Hanh An
Table of contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. ANALYSIS 3 I. Introduction 3 II. Situation Analysis 4 1. Company Description 2. Product Description III. Marketing Environment 5 1. Micro-environment 5 2. Macro-environment 6 IV. Swot Analysis 9 V. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 10 1. Segmentation 2. Targeting 3. Differentiation 4. Positioning VI. Marketing Mix Strategies 17 1. Product 2. Price 3. Place 4. Promotion a. Advertising b. Sales promotion c. Direct marketing d. Personal selling e. Public relation B. OBJECTIVES 20 C. RECOMMENDATIONS 21 D. REFERENCES 28
Executive summary
Awarding that the art chocolate market is a very promising market in Viet Nam (Improvement in standard living and income), Boniva chocolate has been introduced since 2004 to begin a new brand of Vietnamese art food. With their unique flavors, combined with modern technology in processing from Belgium, Boniva has become a direct competitor of D’Art and Chocolate Graphics, two brands has and had large market share in Vietnam chocolate market. However, the lack of investment in promotion, and the weaknesses in Price, Product, and Distribution is limiting the sales of Boniva, as well as the attractiveness of their chocolate to their customers. This Marketing Plan will
References: * Boniva Chocolatier, 2012, About Us, viewed April 27th, 2013, * Boniva Chocolatier, 2012, Product Information, viewed March 7th,2013, < http://www.boniva.com.vn/en/product.html> * Brad VanAuken The Blake Project. (2008). The Advantage Of Price Segmentation. Available: http://www.brandingstrategyinsider.com/2008/01/the-advantage-o.html#.UYHkPSsmnW5. Last accessed 20th April 2013. * CIA- The World Fact Book. (2013). Vietnam. Available: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/vm.html. Last accessed 20th April 2013. * Vietnam Education. (2006). Current Situation of Vietnamese Education.Available: http://en.moet.gov.vn/?page=6.1&view=3451. Last accessed 20th April 2013. * Phuong Quyen, 2012, Doanh Nhan Saigon Online, Cu Ngon La Tien, viewed on April 27th, 2013, * QDND, 2011, TalkVietnam, Vietnamese products promoted, Khanh Ly trans, viewed on April 27th, 2013, * VNO. (2012). AVERAGE SALARY. Available: http://www.vietnamonline.com/az/average-salary.html. Last accessed 20th April 2013.