Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary__________________________________ p.3 2. Background ________________________________________ p.4 3. Secondary Research_________________________________ p.4 4. Qualitative Research_________________________________ p.6 5. Recommendations___________________________________ p.8
1. Executive Summary
This research reports on the New Zealand organic beverage industry and investigates the current market situation and the purchasers’ beliefs, attitudes and preferences that are driving its growth.
Secondary Research
The secondary research section uncovered statistical facts, such as the size of the domestic organic market – that is valued at $40 million (Cork, 2001) and that 846,648 people (20% of the N.Z population) in New Zealand eat and drink a diet that is 80% organic (Coriolis Research, 2001). In terms of the industries growth rate, the organic sector has been experiencing a 47% increase since 1991 and more specifically the ambient organic juice market grew at 3.8% from June 2006 to June 2007 (Lepionka, 2007).
The main brands in the New Zealand organic beverage industry are Phoenix Organics in the juice sub-category – this brand has been growing at 28% since 2002 (Stock Exchange Announcement, 2005); Bell Tea’s Twinings Organic tea bags are the most dominant product in the organic tea industry (Winters, 2001), furthermore The Real Wine Co. is one of the most dominant brands in the wine sector as it offers a range of 70 wines from New Zealand and around the globe (OrganicDirect, 2007).
New Zealand Organic Specialty stores sell 40% of organic food and beverages and out of the supermarkets New World and Pak’n Save have the largest market share of organic products sold with 18% of this market share and an annual turnover of $5.7 million of organic products (Coriolis Research, 2001).
Qualitative Research
The Qualitative research uncovered the reasons why people buy
References: Coriolis Research. (2001). Organics in new zealand, future or failure? Retrieved August 20, 2007, from http://www.coriolisresearch.com/pdfs/coriolis_organics_in_new_zealand.pdf Cork, L Lepionka, S. (2007). Charlie’s reports record earnings. Retrieved August 16, 2007, from http://www.findata.co.nz/markets/Announcement.aspx?e=NZX&n=152114 Grocers Review New Zealand Organics. (2007). Welcome to new Zealand organics…. Retrieved August 16, 2007, from http://www.nzorganics.co.nz OrganicDirect Phoenix Organic. (2007). Market. Retrieved August 16, 2007, from http://www.phoenix.co.nz/print.asp Statistics New Zealand Stock Exchange Announcement. (2005). Charlie’s finds perfect match in phoenix organics. Scoope Media, retrieved August 8, 2007 from Newstext Plus database. Wikipedia. (2007). Organic farming. Retrieved August 16, 2007, from http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Organic_farming Winters, J Assignment 1 Lecturer: Bodo Lang Semester 2, 2007 23/08/07 [pic] 1, 2007