Marketing Plan
The information contained herein is for the sole purpose of information, guidance and education which was extracted and compiled from various sources.
This template represents guidelines and SME Corporation Malaysia reserves the right to modify this template, amend or terminate the information published at any time without notice.
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Please seek legal advice to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. SME Corporation Malaysia is not responsible for errors, omissions or damages of any kind resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
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1 300 88 1801 or the One Referral Centre or send us an email at [Place your business logo here]
[Business Name]
Marketing Plan
Date prepared: [Date prepared] Prepared by : [Your Name] [Your Title] [Business Name] [Business Address]
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary 4 2. Objectives
2.1 Corporate Objectives 5
2.2 Marketing Objectives 5
3. Environmental Scanning
3.1 Market Analysis 5
3.2 SWOT Analysis 5
3.3 Competitive Analysis 5
4. Marketing Plan
4.1 Market Segmentation Analysis 6
4.2 Targeting Market 6 4.3 Marketing Strategy 6