In this assignment I will be analysing what Innocent products the public buys and what new product will sell in the current market today. I will be finding this out by looking at the research I have did in the previous task. Choosing the new product will depend on the target audience, economy in the world and the price. This is then followed by the cost and completion of the product. The aim is to release a new product that sells and also rivals any other product out that is similar in the consumer market. The final aim is to also make the product fit into the Innocent portfolio and ethics.
The first thing any company does before releasing a product or think about mass producing a product is work out who will be buying it. This means they have to research what target audience they want to sell to, this will mean looking at certain areas like age, hobbies and gross income. The research I did was group based me and my other group members based our research on asking one hundred random people questions relating to their daily routines and expenses. I found out that the most popular age groups to buy innocent products are adult the age of 40+, this suggested to me that parents and carers are buying these Innocent products for themselves and children, this is because the second popular age was 13 to 17.Two other important proof I found out was that the preferred tube size was the family size this was a benefit for me to find out because now I will also be making the new flavour in new family sized tubes. The other useful piece of information I found out from my research was that the two favourite flavours people like to eat/buy are chocolate and strawberry, knowing this I had to immediately remove the chocolate flavour. I did this because chocolate is not a healthy nutritious healthy flavour which does not fit into fit into innocents ethics. If innocent added this flavour they