Submitted by Indrajit Rau (56) Jayanta Bhattarcharjee (57) Justin.P.Sam (61) Ruchi (119)
Q1.) Should Nike switch from a focus on celebrities to a focus on its products in its advertising? Discuss the role of marketing research in helping the Nike management to make this decision. What kind of research should be undertaken?
Answer:- Yes, it should change its focus from celebrities to its product as we can see that the Nike Socks was a run away success in U.K and U.S. Marketing research will help Nike management to find out eh effectiveness of celebrities focused adds to product feature adds. Descriptive research should be undertaken as it gives a conclusive result.
Q2.) Discuss the buying behavior of consumer with respect to athletic footwear.
Answer: -
People buy things for obvious and hidden reasons. The importance of the product determines the amount of thought and effort into the purchase. For instance buying behavior of athletic footwear will be different for serious sports athletics and different for other consumers.
Athletic footwear can be categorized into 3 types:
Athleisure = Casual athletic styles, canvas, suede, etc.
Recreational Boots = Hunting, Fishing. Water boot etc.
Sports based = Golf, Basketball, Soccer etc.
There are essential factors that consumers take into consideration before purchasing a new pair of Athleisure shoes.
Stability—the shoes should have a balanced and secure feel throughout range of motion.
Flexibility—the shoes should allow for a good degree of give at the base of the toes, providing smooth motion.
Comfort—walking shoes should comprise contours and padding conformed closely to the feet, providing a snug fit at the heel and midfoot,