An Applied Orientation
Global Edition
Sixth Edition
Naresh K. Malhotra
Georgia Institute of Technology
Boston Columbus Amsterdam Delhi Cape Town
Indianapolis Dubai London
New York Madrid
San Francisco Milan Munich Seoul
Upper Saddle River Paris Montreal Toronto
Mexico City
Sao Paulo Sydney
Hong Kong
Taipei Tokyo
Foreword 21 Preface 23 Acknowledgments 29 Author Biography 32
Chapter 2
Defining the Marketing Research Problem and Developing an Approach 66
Objectives Overview 66 67 68
Introduction and Early Phases of Marketing Research 33 Introduction to Marketing Research 34
Objectives Overview 34 35 39
Importance of Defining the Problem
Chapter 1
The Process of Defining the Problem and Developing an Approach 69 Tasks Involved 69
Definition of Marketing Research A Classification of Marketing Research 39 The Marketing Research Process
Discussions with Decision Makers 69 Interviews with Industry Experts 72 Secondary Data Analysis 73 Qualitative Research 73
Environmental Context of the Problem 74
Step 1: Problem Definition 41 Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem 41 Step 3: Research Design Formulation 42 Step 4: Fieldwork or Data Collection 42 Step 5: Data Preparation and Analysis 42 Step 6: Report Preparation and Presentation 42 ,
The Role of Marketing Research in Marketing Decision Making 43 Marketing Research and Competitive Intelligence 45 The Decision to Conduct Marketing Research 46 46 The Marketing Research Industry Selecting a Research Supplier Careers in Marketing Research 50 51
Past Information and Forecasts 75 Resources and Constraints 76 Objectives 76 Buyer Behavior 77 Legal Environment 78 Economic Environment 78 Marketing and Technological Skills 78 Environmental Context and Problem Definition 78
Management Decision Problem and Marketing Research Problem Problem 80 83 79 Defining the Marketing Research Components of