2.) Connie Seagroves is shopping for a new pair of jeans. She has had good experiences with Chic jeans in the past and is looking for Chic now. She intends to buy Chic jeans if they have something in her size. If not, she plans to keep wearing the Chic jeans she has as long as possible, planning to continue her search for a good fitting pair of Chic jeans at a later date. This is a good example of: brand insistence.
3.) Marissa, a college student and her father, a wealthy businessman, were each considering the purchase of a new automobile. As a college student with a full-time job, Marissa has considerably more financial resources than most college students. She feels that this car needs to provide a statement of just who she is and wear her drive and ambition are taking her! She is looking for a high quality car with the look of success! She finds very few that provide the kind of self-actualization she's looking for - and each of those has a sticker price in excess of $50,000. Marissa's father however, although extremely wealthy and can easily afford cars in this price range, treats cars as basically the same. He doesn't care what it is as long as it gets him there. Although he visits car dealerships occasionally just to see what's available, he doesn't spend much time at it. He tells Marissa to buy two of whatever she gets (he'll call his bank to take care of the money for his). He buys a car this way whenever he wears one out. He usually drives his cars into the ground - i.e. until they totally wear out then asks whomever he knows who's going car buying to pick up one for him (of whatever they are getting - price is no object). For Marissa, this automobile is a _____heterogeneous shopping good_________ product; for her